Don't punch your younger brother

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I'm back!!!! I have no clue anyone loved my stories until I looked at my profile 'write a post' lol well someone was giving me shit about my stories so I decided to delete them but I'm not going into detail. I'm actually working on a new story I haven't posted the first chapter yet, I have seen the vampire diaries/the originals and supernatural so they will be in the spanking stories so enjoy this!!!!!!!!!

"He's NOT dad!" The words echoed in his head. Sam had been right, Gordon wasn't John; he never would be, he never could be. No, Gordon had been a monster; killing things that didn't deserve to be killed.

But... oh, god, he's been caught up in everything Gordon had said. Why? Was he, Jonathan Dean Winchester Jr. so desperate for a father figure that he'd follow a man like Gordon? Was he so desperate for someone else to take control that he was willing Dean closed his eyes, trying to fight the tears.

"I'm so sorry Sammy." He looked over at his baby brother, the bruise was still there.

It wouldn't go away for at least a week. Why? What had possessed him to punch the one person who could make him smile? The one person he lived for? The one person he swore to protect at all cost? The one person no one was ever allowed to hunt?

'I hurt him' Dean thought, unable to stop the tears from flowing.

Seeing Sam start to stir dean wiped the tears away. Never before he felt so guilty. He knew that if he were alive John would have skinned him alive. Dean had raised Sam from infancy; he'd been all of eight when John gave him the power to spank the three year old Sam. Over the years he'd taken Sam over his knee multiple times but never had he just flat out and hit him.

John had warned him over and over again, "If you ever hit your brother Jonathan Dean, I will spank you, bare bottom. Do you understand?"

The answer had always been a yes, sir. As he got older, Dean had gotten angry when ever the question was asked. "I'd never hit Sammy!" Dean had growled the answer many times and usually found himself spun around for half dozen swats for being disrespectful but he never cared. He'd rather kill himself than hit Sam.

And no... Dean shook his head. Sam had forgiven him; Sam always forgave him. Dean had been extra nice to him but the guilt he felt wouldn't go away. Of course, when Sam thought he wasn't looking Dean could see the question in his eyes. 'Do you hate me?' Dean hated the unasked question. 'I could never hate you Sammy.'

Dean drive until the sun woke Sam up. "Dude, did you drive all night?" Sam looked at his older brother in shock. Normally they take turns, each driving for three hours at a time. He knew that ever since that night Dean had hit him, Dean had carried a burden of guilt but he didn't know how to help him. "Dean?"

Dean looked over at him and shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't tired; in fact driving kept him from thinking. A silence fell between them, one that wasn't uncomfortable but not quiet comfortable either. Sam looked over at him again when Dean pulled into a land that had junked cars on either side of it. "What the hell Dean?"

Dean remained silent. He stared ahead as a thought popped into his mind. He frowned, 'Damn it, I should have called ahead.' Sam was too busy trying to figure out where they were to notice the look on his brother's face.

As they pulled up to a house Sam smiled, he knew where they were. He'd grown up here, it was here Dean gave him his first spanking; it was here he learned how to shoot a gun, it was here Dean learned how to fix cars, it was here they first met Bobby Singer.

In the house Bobby had been trying to sort out his ledger, numbers had never been his strong suit, when he heard the car. His first reaction was to grab his gun but as the car drew closer he realized he knew the car. It wasn't hard really; the Impala had a distinct sound. Of course, he knew who drove the Impala... a smile crept to his lips... John Winchester's boys.

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