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This will have 3 parts to Expelled though this counts as the first part two more to go lol enjoy!!!!

Damon gave an exasperated sigh as he hung up the phone. Ehh that dumb kid! Elena was going to kill him! Not even a day as a guardian and this happened!

Jeremy's principal had just informed him that Jeremy had been expelled. Apparently Jeremy had forgotten that he was a vampire hunter and put two stupid high school boys in the hospital.

It's not that Damon didn't understand Jeremy's reaction; the boys were dicks, some dumb jocks looking for attention and an easy target, but the kid needed to learn discretion. If he had just waited, it would have been taking care of. A dark alley, no witnesses...

Now Damon had to clean up this mess before Elena found out. It was time for some major damage control, and some future damage to a certain hunter's backside.

Damon found Jeremy sitting on a log in the woods and stalked towards him. Jeremy jumped up when he saw Damon approaching.

"Where the hell have you been Jeremy? I have been looking all over for you, I cannot believe you! Your first day back and you pull a stunt like this; you put two kids in the hospital. Way to convince everyone that everything's normal!"

"Shove it Damon! Like you haven't done worse!" Jeremy replied.

"You're right, I have done worse but I didn't leave any witnesses. Now I need to fix this before your sister finds out; she doesn't need another thing to worry about. So I'm going to tell you what's going to happen next; I'm going to try to convince the principal to let your sorry ass back into school and you are going to go home and put your nose in a corner."

"Are you kidding me?" Jeremy replied. "I'm not standing in the corner; I'm not some little kid!"

"You could have fooled me." Damon said

"Whatever Damon! You are not my father!" Yelled Jeremy.

"You're right, I'm not your father, but I am your guardian. I am responsible for you, and that means putting you back on the straight and narrow when you mess up. You need some discipline, it has been sorely lacking in your life. You are going to find out what happen to little boys who misbehave when I was a child. No more arguments or you can have a demonstration right here!"

"I'm not going anywhere Dam..." Damon was at his side in a second and delivered five searing swats to his backside.

"Ahhhh Damon! Owwww shit, that hurts!" Jeremy wailed.

"It's supposed to hurt, and watch your mouth, or you can find out what soap tastes like." Damon replied. "Now head home while I go deal with your school and I expect to find you in the corner of my study when I get home."

Damon headed towards the school, hoping that vervain had left the town's water supply. He didn't have time to string up the principal and drain it from him, besides, all those dry cleaning bills could be a real hassle.

Fortunately, luck was with Damon for the first time that day and he was able to compel the principal to revoke Jeremy's expulsion and just give him a few days suspension. Damon had of course assured the man that Jeremy would be properly punished.

Now Damon started for home, he had to take care of his wayward ward. He took a deep breath. This was not going to be pleasant.

Damon arrived home and stopped at the door to listen for movement. All he could hear was Jeremy sniffing; he had to steel himself for what was to come. A year ago he would have liked nothing less than to beat the kid bloody, but somehow Jeremy had weaseled his way into Damon's heart, and Damon not longer relished in the thought of Jeremy's pain.

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