Staying home

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"ELENA HOW COULD YOU!" Damon roared. I turned and ran to our room and turned to shut the door, but he was already in there. Stupid vampire speed was going to get me killed.

"Now Damon, please calm down." I put my hands up to try and placate him. He grabbed my hands and pushed them to my sides, giving me a good shake.

"What did I tell you about staying home?" He growled.

"I know you said to stay put but I couldn't let y'all go out there and not know what was going on. Not know if either of you might not be coming back. You can't expect me to just sit here!" I said vehemently.

"That's EXACTLY what I expected!" He yelled back. "Elena we've been through this before! You knew what would happen if you came out there! You put yourself and us all in danger!"

"HOW DID I PUT YOU IN DANGER?" I yelled at him.

"YOU TOOK STEFAN'S AND MY ATTENTION AWAY FROM WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN FOCUSING ON, A FUCKING WEREWOLF BATTLE!" He hollered right back at me. He grabbed me and hugged me so hard I thought my eyeballs were gonna pop out of my head.

"D-am-on." I gasped out, he let me go and pushed me down on the bed.

"Enjoy sitting while you can." He growled at me and started pacing.

"Really Damon?" I whined. "This isn't the 1800's anymore. Spanking your girlfriend is not acceptable."

"Hmm I seem to remember you bringing this up last time you did something stupid."

"Well it's true."

"How'd that argument work for you then?" He asked, raising his stupid sexy eyebrow.

"Well, it didn't."

"Exactly." He smirked. "This has happened... oh about four times in the last several months? And has any arguments worked for you?"

"No." I said quietly, looking at the floor.

"So maybe you should give it up hmm? Maybe you should actually start listening to me and Stefan?"

"I guess." I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously? Are you seriously getting an attitude after what you just pulled?" He asked incredulously.

"Damon you're overreacting." I sighed.

"Oh really? Am I? You could have been killed! We could have been killed because our focus wasn't where it needed to be. Bonnie could have been killed because she was trying to include you under the shield last minute and it stretched her to her limit of power. IF Tyler had somehow gotten to you he never would have forgiven himself for killing you!"

"Well, when you put it that way." I groaned, knowing I was in for it. Part of the reason I loved Damon was how old fashioned and protective he was. Sometimes it was irritating but knowing someone was willing to keep me from getting hurt and from putting myself in danger was really something I'd missed since my parents' died.

"You young lady are in serious trouble." He pointed a finger at my face. "And I am seriously too angry to deal with you right now. I'm going downstairs to get me a drink then I'll be back up to take care of this." He put both hands on either side of my thighs and leaned forward, his face inches from mine. "Do. Not. Move." He ordered quietly.

I nodded slightly and he pulled back and stalked out of the room.

"Shit." I groaned.

I was in deep this time. I had really hoped to get there and watch without anyone knowing, but no such luck. I don't even know why I did it. Sometimes it just seemed like I did these things expecting Damon to give up on me and leave. I feel like they go to all this trouble for me constantly, and I only cause more. I needed to stop, one of these days he was going to get fed up and leave me.

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