Expelled part 3: Damon finds out about Bonnie

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"Jeremy, Jeremy. Wake up!" Bonnie whispered urgently.

"Ugh, what... Bonnie, what's wrong?" Jeremy asked, jumping out of bed.

"Jeremy, you have to come with me, there's a girl in trouble, we need to help her!" Bonnie replied.

Jeremy looked at his clock, realizing it was still the middle of the night. He jumped when his door opened and Damon stuck his head in. "Everything all right in here, Jer?"

For a split second Jeremy almost told Damon the truth, instead he answered. "Everything's fine, just a nightmare." Damon stared at him for a minute almost as if he knew that was not the full story, but then he blinked and said. "Okay, let me know if you need anything." Jeremy nodded in response and laid back down on the bed.

As soon as Damon was gone, Jeremy sat up in bed. "Bonnie, it's the middle of the night. What am I supposed to do? Damon will kill me if I sneak out of the house and go running off!"

"Jeremy, there is a young witch in danger. I saw her, she's being held down by a vampire. He's forcing her to perform a spell for him, and then he's going to kill her. I can't do anything, but you can!" Bonnie pleaded.

"Okay." Jeremy sighed, getting up and gathering his clothes as quietly as he could. He also grabbed the stake he kept in his bedside table. He thought about how he was breaking so many rules, and that Damon was going to kill him. Then he looked at Bonnie, and all those thoughts were gone. He loved her and would do anything for her. And besides, there was a girl who needed his help.

Jeremy started walking up the driveway towards the Salvatore house, hoping that he could sneak back without waking Damon up. His hopes were dashed as he came closer to the house and saw the lights on. He instantly regretted his decision to leave the house with Bonnie. He had saved that girl, but he had broken more than a few rules. He thought back to the punishments he had already received from Damon, and realized that they would be nothing compared to what Damon would do to him now. Panicking, he decided to run, but then the door opened.

Damon stood in the doorway, a look of fury on his face. All thoughts of running disappeared once Jeremy caught a glimpse of Damon's face. "Where the hell have you been?" Damon yelled

Jeremy didn't know what to say and just stood there in the driveway looking at Damon. Damon sped over to him, grabbed him and whispered into his ear. "I believe I asked you a question little boy."

"Damon, I..." Jeremy said and then fell silent. He had no idea what he was going to say.

"Maybe you'll have a better answer have spending a little time in the corner." Damon growled, he grabbed Jeremy by the ear and hauled him into the house.

"Owww, Damon that hurts!" Jeremy cried out.

"Shut it Jeremy, you're going to be hurting a lot more than this when I get done with you." They had reached the study and Damon let go of Jeremy's ear and pushed him into the corner.

"Don't even think about moving. When you get out of this corner, you are going to tell me everything that has happened tonight. I suggest you use this time to decide what you are going to say. I will have the truth Jeremy; if I even suspect you are lying, I will compel you." Damon stated calmly, before going to sit in the armchair. He was not about to let Jeremy out of his sight.

Jeremy stood in the corner, he thought he could feel Damon's eyes boring into his back and squirmed slightly. He didn't know how he was going to get out of this mess. If he told Damon the truth, he would have to admit that he had been lying about Bonnie's death for months. If he tried to lie, Damon might suspect him and eventually get the truth out of him anyway. He felt so angry and helpless. He was angry with Bonnie for asking him to keep her secret; didn't she know how hard it was! And for what? Eventually they would find out, it was just a matter of time. Jeremy desperately needed to be relieved of this burden!

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