Damon gets punished

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"Come on Ric this is ridiculous."

"I don't care, this is happening or we aren't working together again.

"Alaric, this is barbaric!"

"Damon, you're a vampire, you kill people for the hell of it and you're calling this barbaric?"

"You said I'm a vampire. That's what we do."

"Those are my terms. If you want me to help you, you need to be punished for all the evil backhanded things you've done recently."

"Like what?"

"Like snapping Mrs. Gibbon's neck and killing me and Jeremy, more than once if I recall."

"Oh that, come on you two are alright."

"Mrs Gibbon's isn't."

"That's all in the past. Besides you know how I heal quickly, which makes what you're planning is POINTLESS!" Damon takes a big chug of his drink.

"Pointless or not, for a moment in time you'll be in pain, paying for your mistakes."

"A brief moment."

"That doesn't matter. Besides, it will make me fell a hell of a lot better!"

"And agreeing to this is the only way you'll help me?"

"Yes, oh and Jeremy and Elena get to be here too."

"Hell no!"

"You killed Jeremy too."

"Fine he can be here but not Elena."

"We're her family, she deserves to see you punished."

"Not happening!"

"Okay fine, sorry Elena. We'll pick you up at Bonnie's house."

"Okay, but give him a good licks from me." Elena said.


They waited until Elena's car drive out of the driveway and headed towards Bonnie's house. Then as he moved the chairs away from the table, Alaric said. "Okay Damon, lay over the table and grab on to the other side.

"Yes daddy, sorry I've been such a bad boy." Damon said sarcastically.

"Knock it off Damon!"

"But daddy, I don't want a spanking." Damon tried blinking his eyes and acting innocently.

"Damon I said stop!"

Damon smiled and winked at Jeremy before he said. "I hope you don't get too excited by this Jer. I know some boys get off on a good old fashioned spanking!"

"Enough!" Alaric yelled as he unbuckled his belt. "Over the table NOW!"

Damon's eyes got big he hadn't expected Alaric to really go through with his threat let alone use a belt on him.

"Calm down Ric, you know this is just the way I deal with things."

"I know and that's the problem. You're being punished, no joking around, this is serious."

"Okay, I'll try to accept this without my usual charm. I'll try to be serious."

"Thank you."

Damon bent over the table, grabbed the other side and tried to prepare for what was to come. He couldn't resist wiggling his ass though. He still couldn't believe he was allowing this to happen but if it made the rest of the group feel better and willing to help him find Stefan, than he would endure it. Alaric stepped up, pushed Damon onto the table, raised his belt and brought it down as hard as he could. If Damon were human he wouldn't be so harsh but because he will only feel the effects for a little while, Alaric wanted to make sure his point was made.

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