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Tonglu Mountain has erupted, which means that Hua Ying has reached devastation level or supreme ghost. Ghosts of the 'Supreme' rank are able to destroy a nation and cause suffering to the people, turning the mortal realm into a mess. Gaining this rank is a prerequisite to being titled as a Ghost King. Hua Ying now felt how his A'Die felt. He was no longer half god and half ghost, but he was just fully ghost. His abilities have yet to be known but he knew he had time.

Hua Ying left Tonglu and made his way to Paradise Manor in Ghost City. He knew that was where he needed to be. It was like his desires have yet to return. He just felt like a new person. Once he reached Paradise Manor he was soon pulled into a hug by Hua Cheng.

"A'Ying, you are home," he said.

"A'Die," Hua Ying said calmly, "what do I do now?"

Hua Cheng pulled out of the hug and kept his hands on Hua Ying's shoulders, "I will help you adjust. This is a new life in a way. I have to ask, your ashes?"

Hua Ying held up his ring and gave it to Hua Cheng, "I am going to trust you to keep this in a safe place until I know who to give it to."

"Wangji?" Hua Cheng asked.

"How long has it been?" Hua Ying asked.

"Five years," Hua Cheng replied.

"Lan Xichen is now home?" Hua Ying asked.

"He is, but he still has his cursed shackles. Your Baba will remove them when he feels like he earns it," Hua Cheng said, "Wangji has been a bit of a mess since you left."

"That's his own fault," Hua Ying said, "he told me to leave."

"I know, but he spoke to his brother shortly after finding out you went to Tonglu, and Xichen said he felt sorry for hurting you and Wangji yet again," Hua Cheng said.

"Where is Baba?"

"At Cloud Recesses," Hua Cheng replied, "he has been helping Wangji train so he could ascend."

"He still wants to ascend?" Hua Ying questioned.

"He still loves you, and wants you to give him a chance to talk," Hua Cheng explained.

"Can you take me?" Hua Ying asked.

"Of course," Hua Cheng said and teleported to Cloud Recesses with Hua Ying beside him. The two made their way to the Yashi were the others were, "Gege?"

Xie Lian stood up and turned to his husband. He saw Hua Ying beside Hua Cheng and went to him, "A'Ying, you are back," he said.

Hua Ying nodded, "I am sorry."

"It is alright," Xie Lian replied, "you are now one hundred percent like your A'Die. Personality and all."

"Baba," Hua Ying said shyly.

Wangji stood from his seat and looked at the newly created ghost king, "Hua Ying?" He said quietly.

Hua Ying kept his distance, "I'd be careful for now. I don't know my strengths yet. Just know that I am now able to destroy this entire sect within seconds," he warned.

"I know, but I just want to apologize to you. I know it does not make up for my behavior but I want to try and make it up to you," Wangji said.

"I no longer have any godhood within me, are you sure you want to be affiliated with me?" Hua Ying asked.

"I do," Wangji replied.

"Baba, A'Die, mind if I go sit down and speak with him?" Hua Ying asked.

"Sure," Xie Lian replied, "come back soon as we can meet for dinner."

Hua Ying nodded and left the Yashi with Wangji. As they walked Hua Ying trailed behind Wangji only by two steps. Wangji noticed his distance and decided to stop walking and waited for him, "You can walk beside me you know," Wangji told him.

"Mnn," Hua Ying said as he walked and folded his arms over his chest.

"It will take you a while to forgive me," Wangji said.

"Possibly," Hua Ying said. Wangji was beginning to wonder how much Hua Ying changed during his time at Tonglu. He was quieter and he didn't really care much for conversation.

"How long do you think you will stay?" Wangji asked.

"Not sure, I have a lot of time. I'm considered dead so I am not needed anywhere. Maybe I will go to Ghost City with my A'Die and learn about what I can do. I can tell that I can do similar things as how I did things with the Yin Hu Fu but now I do not need such a thing. Necromancy and Resurrection. Controlling spirits and corpses," Hua Ying said as he knelt down and waved his hand over a clump of grass. A cluster of red spider lilies grew instantly.

Red Spidee Lilies are considered to be associated with death, and it is believed that one should never give a bouquet of these flowers. Some legends have it that if you see someone whom you may never meet again, these flowers will bloom along the paths you take. The flower also goes by another name, the Death Flower. It was now a symbol of Hua Ying and what he stands for. Hua Ying realized that he could be considered the new angel of death as he could be in charge of that.

"Red spider lilies?" Wangji asked.

"A symbol of what I am now," Hua Ying said as he picked them and handed them to Wangji, "have them."

Wangji stood there looking at the ominous red flowers as Hua Ying began to walk again. Wangji sighed and followed behind him, eventually catching up to him and walking beside him, "I really hurt you this time," Wangji said, "I am sorry."

"It is fine," Hua Ying said.

"Didi?" Xichen's voice called out from behind them.

Wangji and Hua Ying turned around. Hua Ying kept his gaze cold and rigid. He has yet to gain Xichen's trust and vise versa. Xichen could tell that Hua Ying has really changed. He was about to greet them when he saw the red flowers in Wangji's hand. It caused a cold sensation to run through his veins.

"The flowers?" Xichen questioned.

"Representative of my new status," Hua Ying said, "death."

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