Chapter five

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Mrs. Jeon: What is your obsession with my son? Why are you always clinging to him?
Y/n: Because I love him of course. And if I'm being honest, he hasn't had a problem with me being around him 24/7.
Mrs. Jeon: But I do. My son can't even be around his family because he's always stuck with you. And if i want I can make up a lie that you cheated on him but we both know you didn't. But I can lie and say you did. He'll believe me.
Jungkook. : Try that lie again. Because I am not gonna fall for your lies.
Mrs. Jeon: J-Jungkook, listen everything is not what is seemed like. She cheated on you and I was just trying to help you see that.
Jungkook: Cheated on me? Cheated on me like how? Do you have any proof? Or are you just saying that because you don't like seeing her with me?
Mrs. Jeon: I don't need proof that she's cheating on you. You're my son and you must believe my words.
Jungkook: You may be my mother, but I'm not going to stand here and let you ruin my relationship.
Mrs. Jeon: Relationship? But Jungkook, why haven't you thought about marrying one of the other girls? Don't they like you?
Jungkook: They like me but i don't like them. My dad has taught me to never break a girl's heart and I'm not breaking Y/n's heart. So if you want them to be married to someone let one of them marry Taehyung. But I'm out of the option.
Mrs. Jeon: Come on Jungkook. You can't possibly miss this chance. With being with her you can get tons of money. I bet this girl doesn't even have money.
Y/n: Actually, I have over a million dollars in my account.
Mrs. Jeon: What?! How can you have that much money? Who did you screw?
Y/n: Do I look like the type that'll have sex with random guys judg for money?

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