~Alone and Invalidated~

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Unbeknownst to everyone, a secret even to me.

That thing that no one speaks about,

The thing that can't be seen.

It hides in my smile

And shows in my tears,

A thing that indulges itself upon my many fears.

And when I'm all alone, it wants to come and play,

That little thing I hide inside,

That secret little thing that has no name.

And when I'm at my lowest there's no one else to blame,

Just myself who didn't try to end the drowning pain.

For deep down in my heart I knew,

That ending that feeling would mean something new,

So why change what's working fine?

Nothing's really that bad.

And besides there're people out there who've been through worse,

They should be allowed to feel that way not me.

I've never been through anything, nothing bad has happened.

And it's true I'm making it sound worse than it is, like I always do.

But I still wish I had the guts to try something new.

To change myself for the better and keep the things that were true.

And to show the people that I do love them, instead of just leaving to be alone.

I hope someday that time will come.

I really, truly do.

~Original Poems~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang