~Berserk~ (A two-part poem)

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See the stars shining over those silvery leaves?

It sends such a splendor across the skies,

And all for it to reach your eyes.


Just for a moment.

Don't you feel it slipping away?

This world you held so dearly,

Now just slipping away.

Reach out a hand.

Maybe you'd touch those rays,

And maybe you'd reach me;

I'm too far gone.

You were never mine to claim.

You left me.



For years I was stuck without your warmth.

Without you these rays carry no heat,

They just burn.

I burnt the bridges we built together.

Burnt my dreams.

I flew too close to the sun,

Trying to reach your touch.

Your leaving made me like this.

A monster;

A fiend.

It is not my fault you got hurt;

Got burned by my flames.

I will claim what is mine,

And watch you sink with equal pain.

I will destroy everything you hold dear:

For you never cared about the things you wrecked when you left me alone for years.

This world will burn like I did.

You will burn as I.

The leaves will no longer shine;

No longer reach your eyes.

Everything will be mine.

I won't be alone again.

I won't feel pain.

I won't feel cold.

I'll be dead, but reborn.




But this feeling never ceases.

There is still a whole in my soul.

One that you tore out with your dreams.

Your dreams that killed my own,

And that eventually, deep down, killed me.

But, I know in the end I'll never be happy.

Since I was the one who ruined it all,

But blamed it all on other people's actions.

I am now nothing more than a monster.

Who now has nothing more than ashes.

(Please, forgive me. I am nothing more than a fleeting child, hanging onto a drowning dream.)


See those stars?

The ones you gaze at for so long?

Do you envy their height?

Their stature?

Their power?

Their light?

Or, is it comfort you seek?

Tis not envy,

But solace you find wrapped in silver light.

Solitude you find a comfort.

Darkness you find an escape.

You are tired.


Lulling around in a dream-like state.

You don't seek violence;

Don't seek reward.

Please, once just lay down your sword.

It has grown heavy at your side.

Rusted with blood of your own and many.

So, sit.

You've been through so much.




So much torture pounding your empty head.

Let it slip away.

Melt away into the air with the rain.

Gaze into the stars.

Revel in the silence,

The peace.



There is nothing else for you.

No dreams;

No wars.

No colleagues,

No friends,

No masters;

No rulers.

Just you.

Only you.

With the stars,

And the endless spirit in your soul.

A ceaseless wandering.



Yearning for a purpose.

Begging for an end.

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