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Damning, damning, damning words.

Piercing, piercing, piercing frail minds.

Gutting, gutting, gutting out all the pain.

Spilling all the rotten blood.

Dragging, dragging, dragging heavy, all those iron chains.

Pulling, pulling down to Hell all that mess of brains.

Watching, staring, uncaring, unmoving.

An onlooker to the fall.

Not taking heed the call, the plea, the cries, the wails.

Uncaring to the words that caused such a scene.

Ignorant, arrogant, as prideful as the sunken dawn star.

Slowly fading into the dark.

Hating the world and in turn despised.

Not looked upon but looked away.

Turned and ignored, hated and disdained.

Causing sorrow with every word spake.

Breaking things that are good.

Hurting things that are pure.

A demon through and through.

A thing not fit to be loved.

A thing unfit to be here.

Hell is its' only escape.

And not even the Devil is glad that I'm there.

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