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The sting of death

The departure of life

That sweet melancholy finality

The closing of the stage

The last bow before the end

The roaring applause of the joyous crowd

The stabbing throw of the blood red roses

The happy tears flowing from ear to ear

The flapping of the curtain

The darkness of the last scene

The somber orchestra of the credit sequence

The last quivering looks at the stage

And the last few thoughts of the story

Your life, in its whole perplexity, is a beautifully written play

It should be marvelled at

Cried over

Screamed at

Sold out


Unsuitable for the general viewing public

On sale for the midnight viewings

Orchestrated to symphonic perfection

And above all, loved and remembered through the centuries.

Your life,

The forefront of human ingenious and artistic talent,

Should be put on view for the whole world:

With yourself as the forerunner and the grandmaster in the front lines.

Never out of scene,

Beloved to all to the bitter end.

Head bowed to the masses,

Deftly smiling as the world goes dark.

Blood roses littering your glorified corpse.


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