~The Hand of God~

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He said, 'Do not fear.'

She said, 'Child, do not cry.'

They took me by the hands:

One in left; one in right.

Light pooled around, on those small little hands.

Tears stained the ground as the others drowned behind.

He smiled bright.

She hid her face.

Heard the command, 'Don't take heed.'

The light engulfed my eyes.

Deafened by the ringing, of all those little bells,

And the singing of the masses of those who gathered 'round.

Surrounded by the joy, and the welcome of the good, but behind it lied something unknown.

Against the good, against the command, I turned away and looked behind.

Into the dark, into the pain, I saw shackles and biting iron chains.

She cried out.

He reached for my small hands.

A whisper just preventing our touch.

Tears stained the ground.

My eyes grew red.

I never saw them again.

Lost to the dark.

Blinded by the behind.

They welcomed me in.

And I took them by the hands.

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