Chapter 1

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 I sighed as I stared at Kizami. He seemed so lost in thought. "Are you ok Kizami?" I whispered to him. He just slightly groaned in response and directed his attention to our teacher. I couldn't help, but to continue to stare at my best friend. I was quickly interrupted when a note hit my head. I sighed annoyed and proceeded to open the note.

            Dear Kizami,

                                    So um I have liked you for a long time, but I guess that's a normal thing you hear. I bet tons of girls give you these kind of notes, but maybe this one will be different. Special. What am I saying? I bet you already threw it away. Hopefully you didn't. Well I was hoping we could meet up at the coffee shop and hang out. Meet me at the Coffee Shop at 1 pm on Saturday.



                                                                Your secret admirer.


            Oh well this is embarrassing. Wrong person. I folded it back up and leaned over to give it to Kizami when....."Kurosaki! Passing notes I see." The teacher came over and snatched the letter from me. Thankfully he didn't read it out loud. He started to blush and coughed a bit handing the note to Kizami. He then leaned down to me and whispered, "Good luck." And went back to the front of the class. I groaned and buried my head in my textbook wishing for the period to be over. Finally it ended and before I can leave, Kizami dropped his book on my desk along with the letter. "This has to be a joke right?" He asked.

            "I swear to God that the letter wasn't from me. I'm not homosexual." I crossed my hand to my heart.

            "Good." He said. He sat down and for a moment we just stared at each other. "So who do you think it's from?" I asked.

            "It doesn't matter. I'm not going." He told me as he proceed to throw the piece of paper in the trashcan.

            "Wow way to break a girl's heart." I said as I watched him. He just simply shrugged and got up.

            "Want to go back to my place?" I asked. For a while he stared at me before finally agreeing.

            "Mom I'm home! Kizami is with me!" No reply. She must not be home. We headed upstairs to my room and we sat down on the floor. "What if it was Mitsuki?" I asked.

            "Then I wouldn't have balls by the end of the day." He replied. I laughed at the statement. It was true that Mitsuki was a kicker. Even though Kizami was hot, she would still kick him if he even lays a finger on her! Wait did I just call Kizami hot? No no he's my best friend. I don't like him like that. Do I? I stared at Kizami trying to process my feelings. Like I said. I'm not homosexual..... 

Unwanted Feelings    Kizami x Kurosaki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now