Chapter 4

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It was now Monday and we were back to school. I tried my best to ignore Kizami and surprisingly it worked. Currently I was in the class room working on my work when Tohko came up to me. "Hey Kuroaski, what's Kizami's dating history?" She asked me. I looked at her strangely. Did she forgot about Saturday. "I thought Kizami told you on Saturday." I replied.

"I wasn't with Kizami on Saturday." She said confused. That's impossible for her to forget. I sighed and put on a smile. Maybe none of it actually happened. "Well he hasn't had a girlfriend before and I'm sure he's not interested in dating anyone, but if he is I give you my blessing." Her face seemed to light up. After a bit of discussing we left the classroom. "There you are Kuroaski!" My sweat dropped as I heard Mitsuki's voice. Right today is cleaning day....

I groaned as I sat up. Where am I? I looked at my hand. The charm! God this is so stupid! Why did I let Mitsuki convince me into doing it! I groaned and clenched my head. Great now I have a headache..... This place seems and feels familiar. Have I been here before? I got up and looked around. Where were the others? I should start my journey then.


Fantastic. I'm stuck with three complete idiots. Kai, Ohkawa, and Katayama. Kai thinks he is badass when he's not, Ohkawa is a pussy, and Katayama is a huge geek. Currently Ohkawa was freaking out because Katayama is severely injured and Kai isn't doing shit to help them. "What's happening here?" I turned to see Emi and Tohko heading our way. They then saw Katayama. "W-what happened?" Tohko asked. "We need to get him help."

"I can carry him on my back to safety." I suggested.

"No. I'll scout for a trap-less route." Tohko said. Thoko, Emi, Kai, and I went scouting. After a while of scouting we found the entrance. It slowly started to creak open. "I'll go outside." Kai suggested, trying to act like a badass. Then Tohko started to argue with Kai. I sighed. Emi wasn't doing anything and I had two retards arguing. "Leave it alone guys. Katayama is slowly dying while you two are arguing over something stupid." I said. Tohko huffed and left with Emi while me and Kai stayed behind. He then pulled out a knife. "Cool right?" He continued to blubber on and on about his knife, but I could care less. It was silver and really nice looking. I quickly and swiftly took the knife from Kai, covered his mouth, and stabbed him. I let him drop to the ground and I continued on walking.

I finally caught up with Tohko and Emi when all of a sudden we hear Mitsuki's screams. "I'll take Katayama downstairs." I told Tohko as she left to search for Mitsuki. I went to check Katayama, but it seems that he already died from blood loss. "He's dead." I said. Ohkawa freaked out though. "No he's not! You liar! He just passed out!"

"What happened?" Tohko asked.

"Katayama died from blood loss." I explained.

"No he didn't! He's alive!" Ohkawa yelled. I sighed picking up Katayama and throwing his lifeless body down the stairs. Ohkawa screamed and ran to his dead best friend's body. "YOU MURDER! MURDER!" Ohkawa started to scream out. Emi was so frightened that she couldn't move. I started to laugh manically as they scrambled to safety. I picked up the knife I used to kill Kai and searched for the others.

Unwanted Feelings    Kizami x Kurosaki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now