Chapter 5

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If they saw me as murder, then that's what they'll get. I walked forward, going in the direction the others went in. Tohko ran in front of me stopping me. "Kizami no." I looked at her for a moment. Her stern, but slightly scared look reminded me of Kurosaki. Was I seriously thinking of that idiot at a time like this?! I sighed and pushed Tohko to the ground getting on top of her. Her eyes widened and she was saying stuff, but I couldn't hear it. I started to repeatedly punch her in the face. Oh how this felt nice. I smirked and decided to test out my new knife. I pulled out the knife I had used to kill Kai with and started to stab her. Her screams were the only thing I could hear. I got off her as she started to cough up blood. I noticed a shiny white thing on the ground and picked it up to figured out it was Tohko's tooth. I smirked. "Tohko. Guess we'll always be together." I said as I put her tooth in my mouth and started to chew on it. Oh the look on her face. How juicy. I swallowed her tooth as she scrambled to her feet and struggled to run away. I laughed and laughed. I could get use to this real easily.


God I hate it here. I's so cold and scary. I wish I was somewhere safe. If Kizami was here he would laugh at how weak I'm being. That's what I like about him. He seems to care about me. I've been wandering around for what felt like hours. I had contact with ghosts a couple times, but I managed to get away. "Kurosaki?" I snapped my head up to see Mitsuki standing 6 feet away from me on the other side of the hole.

"Mitsuki? Oh Mitsuki! It's so great to see someone! Have you seen Kizami?" I asked.

"No I haven't. It's great that you care so much about your lover." She said winking at me.

"I'm not gay!" I shouted at her.

"Lies. Anyways we must've messed the charm up or something and it sent us here. I believe the school is called Heavenly Host Elementary School. Some kids were killed by their principle and never seen again. I don't know how we get out of here though." She said with a sigh and hung her head low.

"Oh ok. Well stay there. I'll try to find my way around." I told her. She looked really unsure about staying where she was, but she decided to sit down and wait. I walked off trying to find my way to her. This will be hard, but hopefully it won't take long. Kizami where are you? I have so many questions to ask you. I sighed and hugged myself trying to hold back tears. What? Men cry too. Maybe Mitsuki was right. Maybe I did see Kizami as a lover. Ridiculous. He would never like me. He doesn't like anyone. "Excuse me sir?" I heard a little girl's voice. I turned around to see a gilr in a red dress. "Are you lost?" I asked. She looked at me confused and saw my student id. She grabbed it out of my jacket and examined the photos inside. "Kurosaki...." She trailed off. She pulled a photo out and showed me it. It was me and Kizami at his 15th birthday party. That was two years ago...

"Who's this?" She asked pointing at my fellow companion.

"A dear friend of mine named Kizami." I replied with a sad smile.

"Are you both lovers?" She asked looking at me. Why does everyone think that. I sighed. "You know, I'm not quite sure." I took my stuff from here. I focused on putting my id away and when I looked back up, the little girl was gone. "Strange." I muttered and walked to a classroom.

I entered it and looked around. It was tattered and had haloes, but what's new? Absolutely nothing. I sighed and sat at one of the stable desks. I buried my face in my hands while my arms were propped up on the desk. I sighed and fought back my tears. Why us? Why me? "Why him..." I muttered. He was the only thing that has been on my mind for the past couple days. Something changed and sparked between us that had me on edge. Every thought I had was for him and everything I cared about was for him. I needed to find him. This hell hole is shit without him by my side. I pulled out my id card and looked at the photo.

"Kurosaki don't be so ridiculous." Kizami muttered looking up at his best friend.

"Come on loosen up! It's your birthday!" Kurosaki smiled. It was childish. Kurosaki wanted Kizami to go inside the jumper. He was 15 for god's sake! "Kurosaki, jumpers are for children." Kizami stated, sternly.

"Come on we're young! It'll still be just as fun!" Kurosaki kept pleading until finally Kizami agreed. Now standing in the unmoving jumper, the only light being the moonlight, they were silent and unsure what to do. "So?" Kizami started. Kurosaki reached for both of Kizami's hands and smiled. "It's been so long. Don't be embarrassed. Have fun." Kurosaki then began to jump with Kizami, their hands still intertwined. Throughout all of their jumping, not once did they let go of each other.

They were now laying next to each other on the grass staring at the stars. Kurosaki closed his eyes and sighed. "That was fun."

"Yea it was..." Kizami said sitting up.

"What's wrong?" Kurosaki asked concerned.

"You should get home before your mother starts to worry." Kizami said not looking at Kurosaki.

"Oh! I forgot that I couldn't spend the night!"Kurosaki yelled and stood up quickly. "I'll see you at school!" Kurosaki said. He was about to leave when a hand grabbed his wrist making him stop. "Kizami..." He looked back to see his friend avoiding his gaze. "What's-"

"Shut up." Kizami muttered pulling Kurosaki into an embrace. This was rare. No uncommon of Kizami. Kizami didn't have feelings. He hated hugs so why now? Why did he hug Kurosaki? He pulled away and finally looked Kurosaki in the eye. "I'm sorry." He muttered kissing Kurosaki's cheek and headed into his house leaving behind a very confused 14 year old boy.

It still hurt to remember that day. That was the day I truly started to love Kizami. I banged my head on the desk and groaned. Crack!  "W-what was ah!"


I'm sorry for not posting. I have been having a lot of stuff happen lately. This story might be very short for I don't feel like making up anymore adventures with Kurosaki. Eh, but I still might try to make it longer.

Unwanted Feelings    Kizami x Kurosaki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now