Chapter 1: How the End came to be

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The sound of a plastic goblet falling, a frustrated sigh, then cupboard's doors slamming against wood. Loud footsteps stomping around the apartment, a door banging against a wall, and a soft "poof" next to a small boy on a bed – though the small boy was still taller than the other.


And, finally, a voice ranged through everyone's phones, computers, headphones: "This is the end of Nijisanji."


On this day, it had been exactly two years since the End. And, on this day, they would start a new Beginning.


The sound of a plastic goblet falling, a frustrated sigh, then cupboard's doors slamming against wood. Loud footsteps stomping around the apartment, a door banging against a wall, and a soft "poof" next to a small boy on a bed – though the small boy was still taller than the other. That was a usual evening in the life of Uki Violeta and Yu Q. Wilson, ever since the End.

For the cute blonde, it had lasted long enough. He needed to do something about this. As much as Uki's reasons for being so on edge were valid, Yu couldn't let this go on any longer. His boyfriend was ruining his mental health and just himself in general, and the former hero couldn't stay seated and watch him slowly die from the inside. He refused to. It hurt him way too much to see him fall down this infinite ravine...

Yu knew better than to mention the End, but he knew this was why Uki was like that. He hadn't seen the man smile even once ever since it had happened. Even Ukinya, Uki's cat, didn't dare to approach its human, and spent all of its time with Yu instead. He could see the poor cat was worried for its human, but it couldn't do anything for it. And this pained Yu so, so much...


The End happened two years before that evening. Yu could remember it so clearly, like it had just happened. He had come to Uki's apartment to spend some quality time with his boyfriend. They had been cuddling on the sofa in front of the tv, watching Petra playing Minecraft on stream, when suddenly their phones had started ringing, just like the penguin's a little bit after them on stream due to delay. A Discord video call, directed to everyone. Petra excused herself to the stream, changing her screen to a "Be right back" screen. Uki and Yu joined the call from Uki's phone, showing that they were together.

There appeared the whole staff of the agency as well as every single members of Nijisanji, from every single branches. They all were quick to understand this was very, extremely important if everyone had been called. They sat in the call anxiously, while the staff was checking that everyone was on. And, finally, a voice ranged through everyone's phones, computers, headphones: "This is the end of Nijisanji."

A small silence followed the announcement, everyone trying their best to process what was happening. Those simple words, pronounced in Japanese, had been understood by everyone, with no exception. Then more was said, quickly, in Japanese, then translated in English, Indonesian, and Korean. They were told that each branch would be redirected to a call with their managers who would explain the situation, as it would be better that way, to avoid anarchy in the calls. It was also specified that the larger branches would be divided in multiple call.

The screen changed, and they were there, with everyone from Noctyx to Krisis. They were part of those separated. But it was fine, at least both were with their waves, and that was all they cared about just then. No one spoke a word, waiting on one of their manager to say something. They all had looks of anxiety on their face, fidgeting and looking at each other.

Rebuilding ourselves after the EndOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant