Chap. 5: How they found back their Catgirl, their Birdgirl, and their Printerboy

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A lot was going on, but it didn't change the fact they were feeling more and more at ease, and hopeful at the thought of finding other people before the end of the day.


"They are fighting over their hot-dog choices! How is that even a thing? It's hot-dogs!"


"Basically, with everyone you guys said you found today, we just have Pomu and Finana left. We're gonna walk around the park until the end of the day to try and find the others, to finally see them again, and to inform them! I miss Fuu-chan so much, I can't wait to bully him again!"


Holding onto each other's hands, the blonde and the purple-haired walked up the food stands area, wondering about what type of sandwich they'd get. They talked about how they'd be fine with anything, as long as they had some food in their stomach: they were starving. They had gone through so many emotions, Yu had just half passed out a few minutes ago, they had been crying buckets since the previous evening, they had been finding back so many friends from their Nijisanji days... it almost felt unreal. But they were happy it had happened, nonetheless.

A lot was going on, but it didn't change the fact they were feeling more and more at ease, and hopeful at the thought of finding other people before the end of the day. And they were right to be hopeful, as they were suddenly interrupted in their conversation by a loud: "Oh, my God! Is that Uki and Wilson?"

They both turned around at the sound of that voice they both knew too well: Millie Parfait. The girl was standing in line for hot-dogs with another girl that the two knew as well and who was looking at them as if she couldn't believe her own eyes: Enna Alouette. And behind them was standing a tall, printer-haired guy, hands in his pockets, eyes wide upon seeing the two other men in the line next to them: Kyo Kaneko.

With one look, the couple decided on getting hot-dogs instead and joined them in their queue, hugging them tightly. "That's absolutely crazy.", Yu exclaimed. "We keep finding ex-EN members everywhere around this park, today!"

"Others are here too?", Kyo asked, eyes still wide. Uki nodded and explained with a soft smile how they had first met up with Sonny and Alban at the entrance of the park, then with Ike, Vox and Fulgur outside of the haunted house, and finally Doppio and Hex in the hospital wing. "Why the fuck were you guys in the hospital wing?", Kyo couldn't help but laugh at them, not believing the boys had ended up there.

"Shut up, Kyo! I didn't mean to, okay!", Yu fought back. And the boys went on and on about how he had been willing to try out something different from what he usually did, how he wanted to be brave, because he still had a hero's soul, and way more. The boy had always been making fun of Kyo for being smaller than him, until the boy gained his true height back from the moon and became one of the tallest members of Nijisanji EN – Author-san is NOT over it just yet please give them time. After that, Yu had simply grown defensive towards the boy.

Of course, they were arguing in a friendly manner, but it did attract eyes from strangers, which Uki didn't like at all. Putting on his mama attitude, Uki put his hands on the boys' shoulders – looking outrageously, incredibly, and absurdly ridiculous next to Kyo – and said: "Bitches, shut the fuck up and order you fucking hot-dogs. We'll talk when we eat."

Both nodded, smirking at each other as it just made them laugh when Uki acted that way towards them. And Uki knew it, as he had been playing that role with the two more times than he could count. He didn't mind, that's not the issue, but sometimes it did get a bit too much on him, just like it did just then, when the boy was hungry and needed food.

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