Chapter 4: How they found back their Delinquent and their Counsellor

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"Because I love you, Mr. Violeta. I'm in love with you, and never would have I had thought I'd be able to see you like this."


"The point I'm trying to make, Yu Q. Wilson, is that I am in love with you."


"I didn't pass out!", he said, sounding just like he usually did despite his weak state. "I was closing my eyes to enjoy the sensations more! That's a real thing, you know! Why do you think I ask you to tie your tie around my eyes when we-" Hex put a hand on his mouth, stopping the man from talking before he said too much. 


"Are you okay, Uki?", Yu asked Uki on the way to their next ride. "I just realised that it must have hurt you to meet up Fulgur again, after everything." He had been a bit scared to talk about it, ever since they had separated with the other boys, as he knew it used to be a difficult subject between them.

Yu still remembered the conversations he had had with Uki when they confessed to each other when meeting up for the first time, in Canada...


Uki had been feeling sick from all the food he had been eating during their dinner, that evening, and Yu had immediately proposed his help getting him back to his hotel room safely. At the time, both were already well aware of their feelings for the other, there was no denying it, but they still had no idea the other shared the feelings. They would, however, find that out very soon...

They were at Uki's room's door, and it was probably where Yu would have left if Uki hadn't spoken and asked him to come in. Who was he to refuse such an amazing person as Uki Violeta, now? And so Yu entered and helped the psychic to sit on his bed, handing him the bottle of water that was sitting on the small table in the room. "What do you want me to do, Mr. Violeta?", he asked, sitting hesitantly next to him on the bed as the boy gulped down a bit of water.

"I need a shower.", he simply replied, getting back up slowly. He turned to look at Yu, stroke his cheek gently with his hand and added, before walking to the bathroom: "You can join me, if you want."

It didn't take long for Yu to understand his assignment, as he followed after Uki in the bathroom, finding the man already half-naked. He didn't have time to stare as he undressed, trying to seem casual and totally normal about this situation – which wasn't a normal situation at all, mind you. He had the opportunity to see Uki like he had never seen him before, and he wouldn't ruin it.

"That was quick of you. I like that. No second thoughts?", Uki asked, looking him up and done, his eyes on the blonde's member for a few more seconds than necessary. Yu shook his head, told him he was definitely okay with it, his hands on his hips proudly, then rambled out of nervousness about how he needed a shower too, so they would be saving water, and way more would he have rambled if Uki hadn't stopped him by pressing his index finger against his lips. "Yuyu. Please. Just get your ass in the shower. I'm exhausted."

The boy nodded and stepped in the small space, warm water already falling on his shoulders. Uki stepped right in after him, and Yu had to use all of his willpower not to look down, which was quickly noticed by the man. "I wouldn't have invited you to shower with me if I didn't want you looking at me, Yuyu." And with that Uki gently took the boys' chin in between his thumb and index finger and gestured for him to look down. Yu let him do so, and looked, a blush having formed itself on his cheeks. Uki chuckled softly as he let go of him and started to wash his hair mindlessly, humming a song softly.

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