Sticky Situation

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The episode opens up to the Furious Five eating in the Jade Palace kitchen, Viper is encouraging Mantis to eat.

"Come on Mantis, you have to eat something." Viper insisted, as she sets a bowl in front of him.

"I can't." Mantis sighed. "My stomach feels like I've been drinkin' from the cup of heartbreak and sorrow."

Mantis sighs again before Po and Vee walk in.

"Did you try salt?" Po suggested.

"It's not that." Crane explained. "Mantis' girlfriend dumped him, and now he won't eat."

"You had a girlfriend?" Vee asked.

"She was the most beautiful caterpillar you ever saw, then one day, poof, she becomes a butterfly." Mantis sighed. "Now it's like, I don't even know her."

"Romantic entanglements upset one's chi, that's why I avoid them." Tigress said.

"Yeah, that's the reason." Monkey agreed.

"Sometimes that's not true." Vee stated. "My brothers and I had dates of our own and they were perfect."

"Oh Man-tis, you gotta eat." Po said. "No eaty no energy, no energy no trainy, no trainy no..."

"Why-y are you-y talking like that-y?" Mantis asked.

"Because it's adorable... ooh I know just the dish to sooth your tiny broken heart." Po said.

He jumps to the corner and does the splits to reach the higher shelves. Po then creates a sticky dumpling recipe.

"Need a few bean paste dumplings, liberal portion of honey, some sticky plum sauce, extra sticky, and my own super secret ingredient." Po said, before he sprinkles a sand-like substance on the dumpling dish.

"Isn't that what we patch walls with?" Crane asked.

"So! Now we patch a broken heart." Po replied. "Now just give it a little bit of a stir and voila! Po's famous sticky dumplings. Try one Mantis."

Po walked over to Mantis.

"Thanks Po." Mantis said.

"Mantis, don't!" Vee warned, but Mantis opens his mouth. Po pushes the dumpling into Mantis' face, making him stuck.

"I seem to be stuck on your dumpling." Mantis said.

"Oops!" Po chuckled, nervously.

Mantis remains stuck to the dumpling as Po lifts the chopsticks from the table.

"I guess I kinda went overboard with the sticky." Po commented, as he tries to get Mantis unstuck by waving the chopsticks violently through the air.

"Not... as much fun... as it looks." Mantis commented.

Po bumps into Tigress' chair while swinging Mantis around.

"This is ridiculous." Tigress complained, as she gets up. "Here."

Tigress grabs Mantis and pulls along with Po.

"Po! Po!" Mantis shouted.

Mantis becomes unstuck causing Po and Tigress to fall back. Po falls into a wall and Tigress falls into the table, flipping it. The five end up in a pileup next to the flipped table. Vee facepalms as Shifu walks in.

"Mealtime is over, let's train." Shifu announced.

"Yay, varaly." Vee replied.

Vee and Shifu walks away, the five follow. Po remained on the floor with a sticky dumpling stuck to his nose. Po sits up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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