Masters of Spinjitzu (Part 4)

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Next up, the Nunchucks of Lightning, poor Jay got only a tiny part while everyone else gets a grander entrance for their weapons, so I decided to design the Floating Ruins better.

It turned out that heading to get the Nunchucks was a good idea, because the Skulkin were already there. Leaving the boat behind, Wu and the ninja climbed a large mountain that also had torii at its entrance, these ones as bright a blue as the lightning that crackled overhead.

The place beyond the torii entrance was eerie, as the spot, aptly known as the Floating Ruins, where the Weapon resided, sat at the top of the mountain, and was shaped like a giant set of nunchaku that reached the sky, the peak hidden above the dark cloud cover, which the ninja took to climbing.

The sky was ever dark and crackling with lightning that left streaks in Willow's vision from how constant the electricity struck. They were at the top of the bottom handle by the time the Skulkin had gotten past the lightning storms that surrounded the place and had caught up with them, the others just beginning their climb up the chain when Zane turned to look down.

He then calmly stated, "We are being followed."

"Let's go!" Willow called out as they further ascended the chain. Jay made it to the top of the upper handle and shouted out, "Alright!"

He leapt up to grab the Nunchucks and he waved them over his head when he tried to show the others. Unfortunately, feeling a presence behind him, Jay turned around and the next flash of lightning revealed a blue, gray and yellow dragon, which reared up and began to spit a cloud of blue mist.

Jay took a running leap and threw himself off the top of the nunchaku structure, surprising the other ninja, who then took one look at the dragon and before following suit. They fell past the Skulkin, who looked at them in confusion.

Jay was the first to activate the backpack gliders that he himself had made, followed by Kai, Zane, Cole, and then Willow. Catching the wind, the five ninja glided away from the structure, causing the Skulkins to become angry.

However, the ninja did not manage to catch sight of Samukai, who merely chuckled in his sinister fashion, knowing that his master's plan was now unfolding. The five ninja flew down the mountain where Wu was waiting, Willow, Jay and Zane managing to land gracefully, while Kai and Cole landed less than gracefully.

Chuckling at his students, Wu pulled out the map again, this time to show the location of the Staff of Winds.

Much shorter than the others, I realize, but I couldn't make it much longer without it all becoming confusing. I added the entrance of the Floating Ruins, and the part where Wu pulls out the map again. Because in the movie, the ninja landed in a forest, where they were resting before they went onto the Temple of Fire. Obviously, with the addition of Willow and her Golden Weapon, I added a new scene and the next chapter will focus on that part before we head back to canon. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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