Humor Is Truly The Best Healing Balm For The Soul

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I know I have written about some serious topics in here but I wanted to step away from that format to write a little about some of the sillier moments I have had since the wreck. Before the wreck I would find humor in almost anything that happened to me. There was one thing I didn't joke about but most people who knew me ( and still know me ) know not to cross that line.

I have found that true humor has true healing powers. I am not talking about the type of humor that cuts long and deep. I am not talkng about the kind that shatters the soul. I am talking about honest to goodness humor that makes a person laugh in spite the situation one may find themselves in.

There is a small catch to this whole humor thing. What one may find cruel and damning to the soul, another might see funny. What is one to do? For starters one must know the person they are joking with. You cannot just go around joking with someone free style. That person must be a good friend who you know well and then you must make sure they are up for it.

I will give an example. I was surfing on the web one day and found some t-shirts I thought where funny as could be. One had a stick person who had flipped the wheelchair and the shirt said "Crap". I thought it was so fnny I brought the t-shirt and another one that had two stick figures on it. One stick figure was holding a stick in it's hand and the other was laying behind it. The caption said " I got your back." ( I have a spinal cord injury for those who are just joining in). I laughted so hard that I peed in my cather. Then I brought that shirt too. That is when my ex (he was my caregiver at the time) knew I was ready to joke around about my condition.

One night we were sittting in the kitchen. Out of no where he said "Shut up and be a vegtable." I looked at him with a straight face and then cocked my head to the side saying as I did so " I am a carrot." ( I have red hair). We both just started laughing like crazy. For me that is when the true healing began.

I had been in such a serious state so long that I was happy to finally be able to laugh and not just be a bitter person who was just there. Humor helped me heal mental. That in turn has helped me heal physically. I like laughing at myself at least once a day (Usually I do it more than a half a dozen times on average).

Laughing at myself helps me to feel a little more closer to who I use be as a person. I for the most part like who I use to be. Granted I wasn't perfect (who is) and some of those roads I traveled down where a touch bumpy ( Dang those speed bumps lol) still over all I was happy. If I am really honest with myself I still am.

The point I m trying to make is that no matter how hard life gets try a little humor. You might find that it will help you over life's humps. I not saying it will cure all or make life perfect but it helps to sometimes laugh a little. You might find yourself able to face things a little easier.

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