Taking A Hard Look Within

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Most people do take a hard look within themselves. They do not have to become disabled to do this in life. It just hppens that for me the real hard look was after I became disabled. I had to have something to do while I was staring up at the ceiling or the boob tube.

There was a lot of things I discovered. There are a lot of things I want to do as a person. Now that I have had the wreck I feel more in a hurry to do things because let's face it life is not guarntee. It feels like I am my third act so to speak ( My second act was when I started going back to school before the wreck. )

I have been trying to figure out what my purpose in life. I have trying to figure the path I am suppose to travel. The great thing is that I think I am suppose to do. Writing of course. I have felt for many years that writing is my true purpose but another has popped its head up. Actually two if I am really honest. One is speaking out for others which I have been also doing for years. Then there is the fact that I am blessed to be alive.

I should have died that day of the wreck. I have not seen pictures of my truck but I have been told that I have died. Instead I was blessed to be given another chance. A chance to thrive. A chance to show off the blessing I hae become. Life is not perfect but life is perfect for me which is awesome.

I never thought I would be in this position but the truth is that I am still alive. Not only am I alive but I am thriving. I am able to be all I desire to be in life or at least try to accomplish as much as I can before my time.

I never wished to be in this situation but I am blessed that I am. I am able to see first hand what others go through. I get an honest view how the rest of the world treats others. If God is willing I will be able to be a blessing and example of his grace.

So yes I did have to look hard within. Pass the self pity I was giving myself at first. The point is I have a clearer eye on where I want to be and who all I want to travel down my path with in life. I cannot claim it will be perfect but it will be perfect for me. Life will have its moments of being hard but it depends o how I take it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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