review 2

58 13 0

Username: bangpink_aesthetic

Reviewer: Minooiii

Book name: Mafia step brothers

Title: I like the title

Cover: The cover is great

Blurb: I believe the blurb was described enough.

From the Characters here if I wanna choose my favourite ones, I should say Taehyung and Jin were my favourites. They were kinda more mature and I liked that side of them.
Y/N character was also good, I liked that she was cool and not acting like a spoiled kid.

Plot and engagement:
Actually I've read Fanfics with the same subject, but I enjoyed your story since you had your own style in the plot and there were

twists in your book, especially I liked the ending of the book.
So I should say the engagement of your story was good enough.

Writing style and Vocabulary:
Your writing is good and Vocabulary choices were also fine, but let me give you some suggestions to grow more as a writer.
1/ do not use the bold font for the whole book since it's hard to read.
You can use the bold font for when you want to mention who is talking and narrating your story.
2/ For their thoughts and flashbacks, you can use Italic and let the rest to be the simple form.
3/ put space between your paragraphs and their conversations more so It'll be more easy to read.
4/ Try to describe your characters' personalities and emotions more in detail, so

the reader will understand them more. This technique same goes to the describing situations in order to make the reader imagine better.

Overall was pretty good!
This fanfic has its unique story and it is enjoyable to read, so I really liked it.
Especially because the girl has a strong aura!
Everyone should give this story a go!

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