review 1

52 11 1

{book : spark fly )

      Author           -BELLABUTNOTHADID


Book cover: I would rate the book cover a 7 out of 10. The aesthetic and graceful appearance of the cover is commendable. However, since it features the lead actors Han Son Hee and Song Kang, it would be splendid if their faces were portrayed with a calm expression, lending the cover a more natural and appealing look.

Blurb: The description on the back cover of the book is quite captivating, earning a rating of 9 out of 10. It grabs the reader's attention with its audacity and allure. However, I would suggest including a mysterious quote to elevate the overall appeal, akin to decorating a delicious meal with an extra touch.

Storyline: I would rate the storyline a remarkable 19 out of 20, as it is quite intriguing. With only a few chapters to analyze, it is difficult to comprehend the entirety of the plot. Nevertheless, the description and opening chapter have already engrossed me, hinting at a captivating storyline that promises to amaze and captivate readers. The portrayal of first-sighted love in this book is executed perfectly, leaving the reader feeling amazed and enthralled.

Pace: The pace of the story is commendable. It flows smoothly and strikes a perfect balance between being neither too fast nor too slow, which I greatly appreciate

Book title (10/10)
I am impressed with the book title; it perfectly captures the essence of the storyline and the book itself. The writing style is commendable, displaying a strong command of grammar. However, I would suggest using simpler words instead of higher-level English to enhance readability and comprehension.

Grammer (9/10)

Your grammatical prowess is truly impressive, as I could not find any mistakes in your writing. However, I would suggest using simpler English words instead of higher-level ones to enhance comprehension.

Writing style (8/10)

Your writing style is captivating and skillful, particularly in the way you skillfully convey Jane's emotions and depict her character growth. Nonetheless, there are moments when the complexity of the language makes it slightly challenging to grasp certain situations. Utilizing simpler English words would make the overall reading experience even more satisfying.

Character attachment (9/10)

The attachment I felt towards Jane's character was strong and genuine. She felt incredibly authentic, and I found myself especially drawn to Do-Hyung's character, considering him a potential second lead. The description of Jane's character  Her journey and struggles were depicted in such a way that it made me empathize with her on a deep level. I could relate to her emotions, her dreams, and her fears. The author did an excellent job of character development, and I found myself rooting for Jane throughout the entire book.

Plot (8/10)

The plot of the book was intriguing and kept me engaged from beginning to end. The story unfolded in a way that kept me guessing and wanting to know what would happen next. However, there were a few instances where the pacing felt a bit slow, and I wished for more action or suspense. Despite that, I appreciated the attention to detail and the complex layers of the storyline.

Setting (8/10)

The setting of the book was well-described and vivid. The author brought the locations to life and made me feel like I was right there alongside the characters. From the bustling streets of New York City to the serene countryside, each setting was carefully crafted and enhanced the overall reading experience.

Themes (9/10)

The book explored a variety of themes that were thought-provoking and relatable. Themes of self-discovery, love, friendship, and personal growth were beautifully woven into the narrative. The author tackled these themes with delicacy and depth, making them resonate with the readers. I found myself contemplating my own life and reflecting on the messages conveyed in the book.

Writing technique (9/10)

The author's writing technique was impressive. The use of vivid imagery, metaphors, and poetic language added an extra layer of beauty to the storytelling. However, at times, the writing style leaned towards being too complex, making it slightly difficult to fully grasp the meaning of certain passages. Simplifying certain sections would have made the book more accessible to a wider audience.

Overall impression (9/10)

In conclusion, this book was a captivating read that left a lasting impact on me. From the well-crafted characters to the immersive setting, every element of the book was carefully considered. While there were some minor areas for improvement, such as simplifying the language and pacing, the overall quality of the book was exceptional. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a heartfelt and
thought-provoking read.

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