review 3

76 12 0

Username: crsystals

Reviewer: Minooiii
Book name: The Soul Within Me

Title: The title was a great choice for your book

Cover: The cover is also eye-catching and I liked it.

Blurb: I believe the blurb was described enough.

I already liked your female lead and her backstory is interesting. Since the story has just started, I don't know about other characters much, but overall you described them well.

Plot and engagement:
Your plot is one of my favourite categories. I like the idea of reincarnated and revenge

mixing together. I think the story is interesting and fun to read. Also the engagement was good.

Writing style and Vocabulary:
Your writing is well and Vocabulary choices were also fine, but there were a few errors with punctuations and etc.
My suggestion is that instead of using their name with : , you can write this way, Jingyi said, "...". And it will become more natural to read.
Also, try to use Italic font for their thoughts so that It will separate from the narration.
In the end, try to add more about their emotions and gestures.

Overall was pretty well-written.
The story and plot is smooth and fine.
I enjoyed your story and hope you will gain your audience pretty soon.

Please don't forget to follow your review and appreciate their hardwork

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