Chapter 2. /Wrath Of The Honkai./

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Erin hunny don't run so fast, you'll knock into your sister!" The woman said, giving chase to a 10 year old boy.

Character Introduction- Erin.

Erin was always a destructive child, creating messes, but as a young, growing child, he has no idea what he is doing. He was strange snow coloured hair that isn't dye. Nobody could dye it either, it always went right off his hair. He was wearing a t-shirt and pants, a casual look for a child his age. He is also knowledgeable about space and the moon, even more strange is that he knows of the honkai!

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Erin hugged a girl, 9 years old, called 'sister Bri!' To Erin, although her real name was Bri. The woman smiled, knowing that the two of them always got along great, which was strange but she never minded it.

Character Introduction- Bri

Bri was very talented at cleaning up messes, her hair is silkly black and clean. She dressed in black and white nearly all the time, mirroring that of a important figure like a Victorian.

Back to story!

After a bit, the mother made dinner, a sweet smelling curry. Erin and Bri ate it with a ravenous hunger. Then they went to watch some HOMU cartoons. Erin and Bri were giggling while the HOMU character made a funny joke.
Suddenly, it cut to an emergency broadcast, detailing a big honkai threat was here, and to evacuate as soon as possible. The mother picked up her two children, and in her nightgown and slippers, ran as fast as she could, over the gate and out onto the street. As she was fleeing, the honkai attacked, pursuing them with speed of no natural being.

"No! Helpp!" The mother yelled, and Erin's eyes glowed and a star shape covered the crouching family, shielding them, as many approached, the shield expanded and exploded, Erin unknowingly tapped into herrscher energy at 10 years of age.

A New Reality. /Finality Vs Creation./ (RE-WRITE VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now