Chapter 3. /Honkai Eruption Begins./

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Bri opened her eyes, on the floor next to dead honkai beasts, as she began to speak, Erin grabbed her hand and rushed outside.  Many honkai beings roamed, guarding something like a vine dome, only the vines were thicker than normal vines.  Erin gritted his teeth.  "Is this gonna be a new honkai Eruption?"
Curious she asked her panicked brother.


Erin nodded. "Honkai creates herrschers,  things with extreme honkai radiation, in humans with high honkai resistance, such as sirin in 2000's second Eruption.  Herrschers can bend physical laws, I think its trying to do the same here."

Bri nodded, pretty worried. "Should we try to het somewhere safe?"

"No!  If we leave,  we'll either get infected by the honkai zombies, or killed by the honkai." Erin said, dragging her back inside the classroom.
"Let's camp out here,  maybe valkyries will arrive shortly to stop the Eruption?"

"Yeah..Maybe.." bri nodded. Noticing a strange shard of glass, glowing darkish pink, she approached it, and took the left one, instantly her hand began to glow in reaction to it!
She called her brother, as he to picked up the right one  and his hand glowed golden in a reaction to it, just like his sisters.
Suddenly  the both heard voices to concentrate on a weapon, Bri was told a katana, and Erin a gun.  They did as told, no other option was really left, do it or die to the honkai once the Eruption Began.

As they did so, it floated, hovering above their brightly glowing hands, it slowly forming a katana hilt on Bri's hand, and a gun handle and trigger on Erin's, soon, the whole thing formed, and the two opened their eyes. The siblings said in union: "Weapons!" Suddenly,  an explosion of honkai shook the school itself!
"Oh no,  it's begun!" Erin said, grabbing his two guns, running out to see what was happening From the railings. Bri did the same, also acquiring a sheath from this forming of a sword. She sheathed the blade to join her brother St the railings. A girl, very young stood up, covered in honkai vines, then stared at the two, and said in a lofty and commanding voice: "My dearest honkai chariots! Kill the two up on the railings, I'll entertain the valkyries!"

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