Gun Shot

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Written for a wonderful writing competition! I hope it's good!

Gun shot


There's a gun shot, echoing through the banana coloured school bus; everyone ducks in fear. There's a psychopath on the bus, I can hear their footsteps hit the filthy floor.

I focus my attention of the cracks beneath my palms, as I crouch under the bus seat. The tune of my I'm not dead yet by p!nk rages through my head.

I feel like I am floating, the storm has not started and my pulse is beating in terror. Whoever these people are, they're going to kill us all; but still I feel like I'm floating on an ocean, waiting for the hurricane.

I catch my best friend, Tara's eye. Though she's laying under the bus seat that was in front of us both, she still look like she fears one of the psychopath's will tread on her wavy gold locks.

Her river blue eyes hold a mountain of fear and she keeps nibbling her ruby lipstick nervously, I wonder what I must look like; my russet hair sticking to my neck, aqua eyes darting all over the place. My navy blue jumper hides my black blouse underneath (that must be stuck to me with sweat.)

I thump back into reality, as I hear a shuddering footstep draw nearer and nearer to my trembling body. I suck in a lengthy breath of air, that could well be my last.

I squeeze my eyes shut and tense my body up, trying not to get noticed by the raging killer or killers. I have so much to live for, my dream job of becoming an FBI agent has ent came true! I haven't even had my first kiss yet! I'm sixteen!

The footsteps stop and I shakily open my eyes to take a peek of the scene - I wish I hadn't. I seriously do wish I hadn't skipped that detention with Mrs Crench, my grumpy science teacher.

A man stands in front of me, a ski mask dons his face and a huge machine gun is aimed at me with no thought at all. In a deep husky voice, he snarls:

"We've found her."

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