Chapter 8

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"Meet Alex Reid, " The man begins flashing a picture of the young girl up on the screen, causing people to murmur about what poor torture this girl received.

"Oh no, she is not a victim of the gunner - she IS the gunner! We have the evidence!" The man shouts, causing the crowd to start talking again. They don't usually get these cases, no never a teenage psycho.

"We have to find her....."


I see the man skid down the alley, following me. I keep on running, they can't catch me no way! I'm a smooth crimminal - no I actually am! After all I've murdered my ten friends and my ex, I can't fight the urge much longer, I need to kill again.


I round the next corner only to slam into something hard. The thing then picks me up and slings me over it's shoulder.

"LET ME GO!" I scream in anger, kicking and punching. A liitle twich and then the knife in my hair falls out and somehow I manage to grab it and stab it into the thing's back. As it screams in pain I jump down and run for it.

I start to laugh cruelly, I love killing; it's a passion of mine.

I skid to a stop as I emerge into a car park where many FBI and police cars, are waiting. With all the officers holding their guns at me. I start to pant, they cannot kill me that will make them win the killing games. No way, I can't go to prison either.

"Drop the knife, and guns!" One barks, his dark brown eyes fixed on my bloody knife that hangs in a lose grip in my hand.

"No!" I shout back, causing some to smirk and others to whisper rude words. I'm only guessing they are about me - only guessing.

The one who supposedly was running behind me, finally reaches the scene. He shoves me over and growls animal like:

"Do it girl, no one will miss you; you're a psychopath like your father. You're as good as dead anyway, so just hand 'em over."

These words sting, and for a moment memories of how it all changed surfaces in my mind and I start to sob.

"You're right, I'm good as dead!" I cry, while slipping the blood stained blade into my neck, feeling a flood of ruby red blood flush out.

My life shines before my eyes like a speeding underground train, just flashing colours of the rainbow skipping past joyfully. How I used to be - then black.


"Now class, that's the end of today's story called Gunshot. I hoped you enjoyed it." The teacher says, pushing her nerdy glasses up her nose. She then looks across the lemon coloured room and mentions to the kids that it's home time.

As one of the kids walks out he whispers to her,

"That was unexpected!"

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