Chapter 4

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I scream and shuffle away from the man I used to call my father. No wonder he always resented my dream, he'd be the sort of person I'd be trying to catch! I would of found out sooner or later, man up Alex. He's still your father, he's protected you since your mum died right?

"Alex I'm sorry to have to break it to you this way - let's just say you're no longer safe. From me or my resentful clients and victims." He blubbers, losing his tough guy facade.

Watching him intently, almost hawklike I stutter, "What sort of crimes have you you com...mitted?"

Again his tough guy barriers are raised back up and he turns to stone. Finally he gets out of his awake slumber, studying my face he slowly, carefully says, "Lets just say I've had fun and flings with girls your age, I've killed many and stole lots. You're no longer safe Alex


I shiver involuntary then get up and make my way over to the beech stairs, watching his every move. Then swiftly turning away I charge up the stairs, tripping on a few. Trust me to trip over when I need to look strong and mature - oh well that's just me.

When I get to the dark second level of the house, I peek over the bannister. Only to see my father holding his head in his hands muttering my mothers name. My poor mother, she must of been forced into having me.

I shakily turn away from my distraught father and cross the shadow filled hallway into my cream and lavender room. I push the door open and slink inside, as soon as I lock the door to protect me from my psychopath father, I hear the sickly sweet voice of my ex.

"Hello Alex babe."

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