Chapter 7

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I enter the diner, where I'm blasted by a wave of hot air. I shake my hair out of the olive coat hood and slowly walk up to the counter, sighing when I feel my four new guns brushing against my thigh. I found them, hidden in Jeremy's hoodie. The little freak was going to murder me, so I did what I had to do - it was quite satisfying actually; he ruined my life so I gave him something to fight for - his life.

"Hey ma'am, that booth's free over there." A little old waitress croaks, as she points her gnarled finger at an aquamarine booth. I nod my thanks, then stumble my way over to it. I hung my head down, letting the droplets of rain poor off of my russet locks onto the red and white tiles.

As I pass I see a group of rowdily teenagers laugh about something foreign to me - I remember those days, it may of been yesterday but it honestly feels like years. I gasp in surprise when I realise it's my old gang, they never hang out here!

As I slid into my booth, I tune myself in to their conversation:

"Hopefully she won't find us here!" Says the husky voice of Klara, one of my best friends.

"Yeah! She's a right freak!" Laughs another, many more comments like this follow until my best friend in the whole universe speaks up; in her delicate voice she says seriously,

"I'm glad she's gone, Alex is trouble, a freak and most of all a little slut!"


It feels like an axe has bludgeoned me in my chest, cracking my struggling heart. I thought she was my friend, but no. Tara fields is just another wannabe!

The sadness and hurt soon leaks out of my system, replaced by molten anger. Without thinking I pull out a gun, and fling myself round to confront my "friends." In my toxic voice I ask:


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