chapter one:exaustion turns into a new friendship

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nico's pov:
i was sad, i didnt know why i just felt sad and exausted, but things had to be done so i got up and got ready, going outside for training. i felt woozy but thats from the lack of sleep probally.
as i swung the sword trying to knock percy of hiss feet i felt a queezy feeling and then everything went black.
                                                                                                  *3 days later*
as i opened my eyes i saw a bunch of medicine racks and people walking around that had docters coats on and lots of beds with injured people.
ahhhh great, i must have passed out or some other shit.
i deecided to try and get up but when i did i heard someone yelling and looked over to see a blonde boy running over, pprobally one of they medics or something. nut it looked like he was running tward me and when he reached me i heard him mutter an "oh no you dont " and puwh me back in bed and making me sit there as he grabbed a medical kit and walked back over, ohhh, no he doesnt, i am not getting a ckeck up i would kill myself before i let a docter examin me.
i quickley tried to shdow travel away, i succeeded but only to an extent but i only managed to get to my cabin. but unfortunetly will (said medic) found me almost immedianley somehow getting me to get out of my bathroom and phisically made me sit on my bed to get my check up.
"breathe" he said as he pressed the thing that checks your heart beat againts mt stomach and i complied, taking a shakey breathe, because i wasnt used to being handled with so much care and attentaveness ever in my life exept for before the lotus hotel when my mother was still alive.
i decided not to make myself sad and just get through this, i knew this was his job and he probally hated me and thought i was weird but still, being handled with such care for once in my life felt good.
when the check up was done will forced me to go to back to the imfirmery for rest and before i went back to sleep i remembered i heard him say "your staying here for 3 days di angelo" and then everything went black and i fell into a world of nightmares.

i was hiding, muffling my tears and hoping it didnt find me and tear me to shreads. but i did and when that happened all i could do was try my best to fight back but in the end i got scrached and left wounded in the missle of tarterus, when it was about to make its final blow, kill me right then and there i heard a worrien, warm voice scream my name......
"NICO!!! NICO WAKE UP!! NICO!!....." it yelled and my eyes flashed open to see the shocked face of will solace sitting next to me and shaking my shoulders, as soon as he saw that i was awake he started asking questions, i only managed to aswer one of them "whats wrong?" "bad dream, nothing important" "of course it was important, you were mumbling the 'no!' over and over and broke out into tears awhile later then shaking" "well thats normal isnt it?" i asked confused, that happened all the time so i had gotten used to it.
"nico, thats not normal, even for a demigod" he says and sat down a plate with toast and eggs, i wasnt hungry, atleast thats what i thought until i tried the food but only ate half the plate and then got full.
will seemed happy that i had ate and that, for some reason made me happy and proud, those were both rare emotions for me to feel, and it was a surprise who had made me feel like that because i never would have thought it woulf be a blonde, sunny, happy, son of apollo medic.
deep down inside i was tired of feeling sad but i had also gotten used to that so i dealt with that, but for a split second i had felt that feeling disapear thatnks to wills smile and the warmth of his voice.
i didnt understand how one person being proud of me could send an streak of something that isnt saddness or coldness through my body and after that i fell back to sleep.

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