chapter three: the wake of a suicide attempt

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nico's pov:
why in hades cant i just die, o thought miserably as my eyes opened to the smell of strawberrys that emitted from camp half blood.
when i looked around i saw mt sister in a chair next to me with jason and will, all looking something between shocked and horrified but also sad.
i was disgusted in myself that i had made the one's i love sad but i was also disgusted that my attempt hadnt worked and i had to go through all the trouble of running until everyone forgot i existed, probaly a month atleast.
when they saw i was awake hazel ran over and engulfed me in a warm embrace, jason was next to run over and join her in the embrace and i saw will standing in the corner, looking like he didnt know were he belonged.
i carefully raised my hand and waved will over, i may still have a grudge but i would never want to have anyone feel the way i'v felt all my life.
when he joined the hug i felt a serge of warmth and a unwilling smile spread across my face and a small giggle escape my lips, i then realized that i hadnt laughed in a long, long, long time and it felt oddly good and my need to feel warm and wanted over road my want to be mean and cold twards everyone st sll times and all places.
i welcomed the feeling and when everyone seemingly unwillingly went back to do what they had to will was still there, sitting next to me on the imfirmery bed.
"why did you do it?" he asked, his voice desperate and filled with what seemed to be angish and i looked up from the floor to see that his eyes were red and puffy, had he been crying because of me i thought and felt a tear prick my eye , a look of realisation crossed his face and he looked at me with wide eyes "was it because of me!?'' he asked frantically and tears covered his face in an instant "im sorry" i spoke that sentance over and over as i instinctively wrapped my arms around him and stroked his hair as it fell in messy clumps over his red and puffy beautiful sky blue eyes, his tan cheeks red and stained with crystal clear tears, he was beautiful, nico you barely know the guy you cant think that i thought i thought and still kept holding him, still pulling my hand through his golden locks.
he was still sobbing when i heard the door open and someone walk in, it was annabeth and she looked worried.
i gave her a death look that said if you say something that hurts him i will kill you myself and went back to patting his head, i started to hear soft snores and looked down to see a sleeping will solace snoring softley in my lap, a peaceful look on his face, to say the least it was adorable and my heart thumped against my chest from the cuteness of the situation.
annabeth sat down in a chair "how are you?" she said and a whince escaped her lip when she saw my wrists and my arms.
"tired and something else i dont know the name of'' i replied, for some reason telling the truth "and by the way," she said "why is there a sleeping will on your lap that looks like he cried a river" "he figured out that the arguement about me eating was the reason i tried to off myself" i said bluntley like someone had just asked what the weather was.
the problem was i still felt alarmingly bad about making will cry and wanted to make it up to him whenever he woke up, again i had no idea what was happening to me and why my emotional walls of brick and obsidian had fell so soon for someonr i wasnt even friends with.
we sat there for a moment before she spoke with a calculated look on her face as she did so "that seems about right for will" she looked at me a sympathetic expression on her face "you like him dont you?" she asked and i was shocked, did i like this bright son of apollo? maybe "NO!!!!" i lied and hit my maroon cheeks with my hands "you can tell the truth i wont judge you, im bi so i have no right to" she told me, her voice calm and soothing like tea right before bed, i thought for a moment and then decided that i would tell her because the worst that could happen was she yelled at me or hurt me, but i already used to the pain, it would just add to the seemingly endless load of it i already carried on my back "i think" i said, not lying this time " how could you tell anyway?" i followed up"well for one you never let anyone get close to you, 2 you almost never apoligise and yes i heard that, and 3 you never show affection or sympathy to someone much less hold them why their crying and soothing them enough to make them fall asleep" she replied smartly but in a soft tone.
i realized she was right and maybe i did like will even thoufg i barely know him his demenor just made me warm, joyfull, and happy, maybe i would stick around this time.
i was startled when i heard wills angelic voice speak "well thats a surprise" he said and looked up at me smiling he had the nerve to smile after he had just easedropped on a private conversation where i said i might like him i thought angrily but kept my cool and just frowned and layed back down, when annabeth had heard will speak she had left.
as i proceeded to lay down i felt will cuddle up onto me, his face resting on my upper stomach.
i felt myself warming up and blood rushed to my cheeks as my body moved on its own and cuddled will back, closing my eyes and slipping into unconciosness.

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