chapter four:what now??

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when i woke up i had surprisingly not had any nightmares and was perfectly comfortable in the bed.
he felt something holding his waist and almost jumped out of my skin and became a sleloten, but then they realised that it must have been will, i then remembered all of what happened last night and paniced, what was i supposed to do now!? he had basically heard me confess.
"mmmm" i heard will groan and his eyes open slightly and i again started panicing and froze he slowly looked up at me and smiled "good morning" i heard him say sweetly and to my shock reached up and grabbed the back of my neck, and kissing my cheek softley, surprisingly i liked the feeling and let another smile pass through my thraot to my lips.
when he pulled away from my cheek i felt him grab my waist and i saw him close his eyes and smile softley as if he were admitting this moment to memory, but then as soon as i thought that i started to overthink and couldnt stop.
what if he doesnt actualy like me, whu would he?, theres to much wrong with you to be loved, he's probaly just playing with your feelings, he's gonna hurt you.......
the thoughts started to overwhelm me and i started to feel tears well in my eyes as the kept running through my mind and i tryed to stop a sob from breaking through my throat, but it was already to late and i felt hot tears roll down my cold face and a sob escape from my lips as i started to curl into a ball to try to escape it all.
i felt will shift from his original stance and i could practically feel his concerned eyes boring into me as i heard warm words escape his lips "are you okay?" he asked softley and wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace, i shook my head 'no' and i felt his head nod atop mine "okay, then, whats wrong?", i didnt know what to say, no one had ever cared about my feelings and opinion so i just let another brokan sob escape my lips and curled up impossibly tighter and clawed my body closed to him.
"dont wanna talk about, okay, i get it" he said softley and kept ahold of me i i cryed and sobbed and screamed.
time seemed to stop as i tried to stop and hold myself together but failed miserably, all the emotions i had felt over the years spilling out of me like a broken glass infront of will, the clumsy person who broke the already cracked glass.
i knew what he was thinking 'whats wrong with him' but i didnt care at this point, all my emotions, especialy the negative things poured out of my eyes and mouth, i didnt wanna stop because i knew i needed this but also didnt wanna seem dramatic and weird so my mind was racing and trying to calculate wether i should stop or continue and get it over with, this situation was horrifying and i didnt know why my mind and body felt this way as i wrestled with different emotions, no end seemingly in sight.
i didnt know what time it was but i felt myself calming down as less crys and muffled screams escaped my lips and my eyes started to close and darkness took over my already blurry line of sight as i fell into the world of unconciosness.
when i woke up i again recalled what happened and looked around, i sensed no body next to me and and paniced, looking around for will, my eyes again feeling moist as i felt new tears about to roll down my alrady water stained face.
i was aware of the door to the imfirmery room opening as my breath quicked and i struggled to inhale at the slightest and then i heard a familiar voice speak and i again found my ability to breathe and no more tears rolled down my cheeks as i looked up and saw a mop of golden hair, blue eyes, and warm smile, he was holding something and i looked down to see it was a sandwich, a cup of what i guessed was juice and and a small bag of cheetos.
i knew i would at the verry least only eat half of it but when he sat it down next to me i reluctentley started to eat it.
in the end i ate the sandwich, only a little bit of the chips and half the cup of juice. frankley i was alittle proud of myself for eating all that and will seemed to be to.
as the plate ly there because will had to go take care of other patients i thought 'what now? whats going to happen now?'
as night began to fall my eyelids drooped and i felt my face relax as i past out onto my pillow.
the morninglight hurt my eyes as my voice rasped and groaned, asking why in hades did the sun have to be so bright today.
soon i heard my door open and a certain son of apollo walk in through the door,when he sat down on the bed right next to me, smiling nervously, his golden blonde hair falling over his tan skin "here" he said sheepishly and handed me a card, i looked at the cover and saw that it was a valentines card, pink crayon drawn hearts covering the front.
when i opened it i saw a note:

                                                              dear nico, happy valentines day, i just wanted you to know that i think i have a crush on you to.
                                                               i dont know how to say it so let me just say it through note..... will you go on a date with me? <3
as i looked at the paper my face contorted in shock and i felt a hot tear roll down my face, but this time i wasnt sad it was a tear of happieness, i looked up to will, he still had a dumb smile on his face.
i felt a huge and honest smile stretch across my pale skin as tears of happieness rolled down my face ''YESSSS!!!!'' i yelled and jumped on top of him to where i was straddling him, he was laughing now and then i felt something touch my face and looked down to see wills hand rubbing my cheek, before i knew it i felt his lips on mine, they were soft and tasted like strawberry.
when we pulled away i felt like i was gonna passout.
soon after that i let my guard down some and just rested as will held onto me as he slept.

the son of the sun and  the one death || just another solangelo storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora