chapter five: the date

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i was nervous, rushing around my cabin trying to figure out what to wear on my date with will.
before i knew it i was rushing to the aphrodite cabin to ask piper to help me get ready for the date, as i knocked on the door it took a moment but it opened and piper appeared and a look of confusion crossed her face and then she smiled warmly "hello nico, why are you here?" i hesitated for a moment before i spoke again "i need your help gettn' ready for a date" as soon as i said that her eyes lit up and with that i summoned the entirety of the aphrodite canin "OF COURSE!!!" she almost yelled and dragged me into the the cabin.
after that it got fuzzy, i remeber alot of yelling, trying on millions of outfits, and alot of makeup flying around.
when it was done i looked in the mirror i was wearing a black dress shirt, black trousers, a black tie, and a grey dress jacket, i had silver and golden glitter on my eyes, grey lips. and a golden star on the side of my cheek, then i looked down at my watch and realized that i would be late if i didnt get going.
i very quickly thanked the whole aphrodite cabin, but made sure i sounded genuine and shadow travel to the resturant will had told me to go to, when i got there i was surprised to see i was a realy nice place.
i walked in and found will waving, when i got to be next to him he got up and gave me a peck on the cheek and i felt my face flush in embarresment.
''hi'' i said nervously and smiled lightly as will pulled my chair back and i sat down, will sat down across from me he was wearing a yello suit with a tie, then and only then did i notice that he had a sun tattoo beside his eye and a tounge peircing, honestly i thought it was hot, but of course i wouldnt tell him that.
the resturant had blinding lights and beautiful carvings on the chairs, when i looked at the menu i realized that it was one of those expensive italian resturants, i wondered who was paying but i figured i was gonna enjoy this while it lasted, will would probally not even like me after he realized  what i was realy like, but might as well enjoy having some one that like me while it lasted.
then i noticed a waiter walking up to us. when he arrived next to us he asked what we wanted will asked for pasta and i asked for the same thing.
we sat in a comfortable silence, i had me head laying on my arms and i was staring at will,i felt peaceful until i noticed him staring at me and felt myself blush at the sight.
when he noticed that i knew he was staring at me he got up and wrapped his hand in mine, gentley pulling me into the bathroom and into a stall, softley kissing me "why'd you do that?" i questioned "didnt think you'd be the type for pda so i brought you here" "well your right there i dont like pda" i said and kissed his cheek lightly, him smiling afterward and me surprised on what i'd just done.
he carefully placed his hand on my cheek and and wispered 2 words "may i" asking to kiss me, i nodded slowly and he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, them moving in harmony.
it helt like i was in elysium, and i should know ive been there.
when we pulled away, i realized it was probaly time for our food to be here, so i dragged will by his wrist and i was right, when i we got back to the table i saw two plates of plane pasta, and i sat down, starting to eat. the food was good but it was missing more spice, and there was no sauce, but other than that it was fine so i ate it.
when we had finished eating i was honestll full so i had my hand over my stomach and hid mt face "you okay?" will asked, his voice like a warm knife cutting through icey butter "im fine, just full"  i answered silently and lifted my head up a bit and smiled.
will payed, me still feeling guilty about not being able to pay.
when we got back to the camp i went back to my cabin and said my goodbyes to will , he kissed me on the cheek and i hesitantly went back to my cabin and got in my bed that still felt like a coffin, i realy needed to redecorate this place, but i would worry about that tommorrow and went to sleep, my mind slipping off into the world of dark unconciousness and out of the world of the living (and ghosts) and into hypno's domain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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