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as dim as the skies, as dark as the road,
ahead of me was a path untold. and as
i walked into that  s t y g i a n  alone, my
h e a d  turned back, in  se a rch  for the
avenue. whilst what's  inside  me was a
mayhem; thoughts to party after a long
day. my m i n d's unclear for being filled
with memories full of nothing but strain.
then, with my  eyes  in d a z e, dimmed
by tears, i turned to a  b o u l e v a r d  to
d e f l e c t myself in a space full of these
castaways—the club.

yet, amidst my trek b y the pub, my road
was  l i t after the s h a d e. as i bought a
cache, i  looked around;  crimson, b l u e,
and neon lights perturbed the  gale with
its radiance; liquor, beers,  & the counter
t o p was imbued with gnasty redolence;
clamor upbeat and a crowd abided soon
with the di sc  j o c k e y's  mix. and  then
i t  stirred through  every vein; t h y mind
bloomed with memories again.

memories  of   y e s t e r d a y s   whom i
swore to forget, the p a s t  days where i
wore a veil with people i took oaths and
one's say, and e v e r y d a y thoughts of
regret that  i  promised, "i'll someday see
through reality," which i  know  will never
happen for my everyday and even some
d a y, i was fused with masked emotions
& strains that not  even  the strong liquor
fused with these s a ng u i n e can efface.

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