among the stars

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what lies within me was the vividness when you asked me about my reveries, the thoughts i have when i'm in my space and the daydreams my mind elapses. as of this moment, i'm reminiscing that i told you how i wanted to be one with the stars, not the kind where i hoped for my demise, but the thought that even my smallest fragments can be seen within the dimness.

i yearned to be such an amazing matter, those whom people looked up to when they wish for an anew or a new kickstart as they cross an unfamiliar odd. within me scales the desire for every piece i have to light up and put life in somebody's empty irises—all as they gaze up and see me above the firmaments. i wanted them to find a ray of hope as they see through stygian of all avenue. i wanted to lead a satori and path to those whose directions are gone, and be something i know they wish they can perpetually see.

my love, you know that nothing can topple the devotion i have for every radiant stellar after dawn, the luster it has amidst dead of nights and the light it gives in all boulevard. you witnessed yourself how in every dark firmament, the same stars exist within my irises whenever the night gives birth to the stars and keeps its lambency raying through my eyes.

so now, please tell me, my love, did you become one with the stars so i can love and yearn you more, too?

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