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"Ranpo, this is Yosano Akiko." Fukuzawa introduced the boy to a dark haired girl in a wheelchair. The girl was quiet, tears streaming down her face and she wordlessly avoided eye contact. Ranpo frowned.

"It's not your fault they died, y'know." Ranpo shoved his hand in his back pocket and revealed a golden butterfly pin, glistening in the evening light. The tears continued to cascade down her porcelain face, but this time she let out a soft gasp. She cradled the pin in her hands.

"How did you-" She began, before falling back into a mute state.

"A detective never tells his secrets." Ranpo smirked, and the side of Yosano's mouth quirked up and her eyes shone with tears. This time, it wasn't fear, it was admiration.

"Edogawa Ranpo, I swear to God I will murder you!" Yosano hissed, smacking the back of Ranpo's head so hard his hat tumbled off onto the floor. He grimaced and rubbed his head. Karl took the opportunity to snatch the hat from the floor and run off with it. Ranpo chased after the raccoon, ignoring everyone's scolds and threats. He had finally caught the animal, and was in the process of wrestling the hat from his mouth when the office door was forcefully opened. Everyone stopped mid-scold and all their heads swivelled to the President. He was furious. Sigma hid behind Chuuya.

"Edogawa Ranpo, in the office. Now." He seethed, and Ranpo felt all eyes on him. His legs were moving on his own, and he mindlessly followed Fukuzawa into the office. The door angrily closed behind him. He was lying if he said he wasn't shitting himself.

"If you just let me explain-"

"Don't. If you mention that you knew where the DOA hideout was as well as knowing that it was dangerous. I will fire you immediately."

"You don't understand-"

"No, you don't understand!" Fukuzawa slammed his fists on the desk, "you could've been killed. You got attacked by a vampire! You didn't think to call one of us? No, you called Nakahara Chuuya, a Port Mafia executive with better things to do than save your ass from the Decay of Angels!"

"Nakahara is a-"

"Not only that, you brought back yet another vampire that seemingly hasn't eaten in weeks, meaning he's a danger to us! Do you ever stop to think what might happen if you were wrong?"

"I'm never wrong." Ranpo replied sternly, Fukuzawa practically had steam erupting from his ears. Ranpo had never seen him so mad.

"You're on disciplinary leave. I don't want to see you in this building for three weeks." Fukuzawa didn't break eye contact as Ranpo stalked out of the room, and the other members were dead silent. They had obviously overheard the one-sided argument. Ranpo bowed his head towards them and wordlessly left.

Halfway down the stairs to the café, he heard quick footsteps run after him.

"Poe, I don't want to talk about it."

"I just want to accompany you, you seem like you need some company."

"I don't need anything."

"You're lucky I'm not a hugger."

Despite Ranpo's complains, Edgar stuck with him as they strolled aimlessly around Yokohama. No end destination in sight. They were silent for the whole journey, opting for quiet music playing in Ranpo's ears. Ranpo glanced at Edgar, and held out an earphone for the vampire to take. Edgar seemed taken aback, but abided to Ranpo's suggestion and popped the earphone in his ear. They were wired, so they were shoulder to shoulder, and Ranpo tried ignore the brushing of their hands as they walked.

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