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"Did you meet any of the Decay of Angels aside from Sigma when you were captured?" Ranpo asked, the couple were cuddling on the sofa whilst Aya was sleeping. Ranpo had since moved from the bathtub to the sofa after he and Edgar made up.

"I briefly met Fyodor, he was very strange. He was quiet most of the time. He would look through the little hatch from time to time and just stare. At one point, he offered his arm but I wasn't as starved as the day you rescued me, so I refused. He seemed... disappointed? I didn't know much about the DOA, I still don't. I have so many questions that need answered." Edgar replied, combing his fingers through Ranpo's hair. Ranpo hummed in response.

"Somehow I feel like it won't be the last time we see them."

"Are you sure this okay? It's late at night and people might hear us." Edgar said in between kisses, Ranpo locked the door behind them and continued to press his lips against the vampire. He was born ready for this.

"Stop talking and take off your shirt." He mumbled, sliding his top over his head. Edgar fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, shaking with anticipation and Ranpo couldn't help but roll his eyes. Edgar was eventually topless, slightly shivering from the cold hitting his skin. Ranpo planned to warm him up. They approached the bed and the shorter lightly shoved Edgar onto the bed and crawled on top of him. He deepened the kiss, relishing in the soft gasps the other was emitting as he trailed his fingers down his bare torso.

"Wait," Edgar slightly pushed Ranpo from his raw lips, his cheeks flushed and eyes filled with both lust and worry. "Don't we need, like, preparation?" Ranpo snorted and reached into the bedside drawer and grabbed the jar.

"I'll take care you, don't worry." He purred, looping his fingers around Egdar's waistband and tugged. Edgar covered his face in embarrassment and Ranpo pulled his hands away. "Don't be embarrassed."

"What if you don't like it?"

"I'll like it."

"What if I'm bad? I've never done anything like this, what if you hate what you see? I've never been super ripped or chiselled or anything-"

"Edgar, relax. You can't enjoy it if you're too busy worrying about what I think." Ranpo pressed a delicate, loving kiss on Edgar's neck, before marking with his teeth and Edgar visibly relaxed into the feeling. "I've never been into abs."

"What are you into? Maybe I can gain some weight or-"

"I'm into you." Edgar grabbed Ranpo's face and, for the first time, he initiated a deeper kiss. He opened his mouth partially to allow Ranpo's tongue to explore. I love you. Ranpo's eyes widened at the realisation, and Edgar watched him fearfully.

"Are you okay Ranpo? I didn't do anything wrong did I? Did I bite your tongue?" I love you, I love you. The thoughts echoed in his mind. Love. It's such a strong word, people either use it too sparsely or too often, it either becomes taboo or loses its value. He was afraid to love, afraid of feelings. Despite all this, Ranpo could only think of this word as he stared at Edgar's flustered face. The moles on his cheeks and nose, his swollen lips and half-lidded, violet eyes. His amazing personality and eager to please nature.

"Not at all." I love you. "I just... needed to catch my breath." Coward.

"Are you sure that's all? You've been staring at me for a while now."

"Mhm." Ranpo hummed, losing his voice. He couldn't say it to him, what if he didn't love him back? He wasn't emotionally intelligent, but he wasn't stupid. He knew he liked him back, but what about loved? Fear of rejection flooded his brain, and he became stiff. Edgar sat up and cupped Ranpo's face.

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