Chapter 6: Duty and Heart

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When Cazador Szarr was invited to the studio, the air seemed to grow thick with tension. A person could have choked to death on it. Then Cazador's eyes met Tav's and it was as though time had stopped. The vampire lord's skin was as white as freshly cut marble. It was in stark contrast to his red eyes and tar black hair. His every movement had a hint of nonchalance and arrogance about it that set Tav on edge. The vampire lord was beautiful, devastatingly so, but in the way one might find beauty in a succubus before it sucked away your hapless soul.

Both tried to dominate the other with their mere presence and it had ended just as quickly at an impasse. The entire room breathed out a collective sigh of relief when they tore their eyes away from one another. Cazador's gaze went to Astarion and a cruel smile began to form around the corners of his thin lips.

"My dear Astarion," Cazador's voice was sultry and rich, "Is this where you've been hiding all this time?"

For once, Astarion was left silent.

"And Oskar," the vampire lord rounded on the artist, "You didn't tell me you were keeping such fine company. Who is this young man? I recognize him only from your paintings. But I see now they are but clumsy imitations of the real thing."

Despite himself, Tav flushed, dusting his cheeks with a modest coloring of pink. Charming indeed. But he was supposed to be playing a part and he would play it well. "I beg your pardon. I wasn't aware Oskar had such important friends."

"This is Lord Cazador Szarr," though the vampire needed no introduction, Oskar did it anyway. He wouldn't lose the necessity of manners, not even under the current circumstances. "Cazador, this is Tav, the young man I was telling you about."

Tav held out his hand, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. Oskar told me so many things about you."

Cazador took Tav's outstretched hands and brought it delicately to his lips. The gesture was smooth, practiced, and it sent a shiver down Tav's spine, which he suppressed with great effort. "I assure you, the pleasure is all mine. I hope he has only said good things. I would hate for your perception of me to be colored so crudely. It is a shame I missed you at the party all those weeks ago."

"The party wasn't so interesting. I am afraid you did not miss much. We departed early as a matter of fact."

"On the contrary, many of the nobles there say it was one of the best parties thrown in Baldur's Gate in months. However, I imagine it was boring for you. I promise to entertain you personally next time. I won't disappoint."

"That's enough, Cazador." snapped Oskar, "You're going to fill the boy's head with dastardly thoughts. Get into position, both of you."

Astarion had barely moved from his spot on the couch since Cazador entered the room. Tav went over to him and took his hand. He dared not say anything for fear of being overheard in such a small room where the sound would carry. Tav led the spawn to the center of the room as Oskar began rather laboriously dragging over a love seat to the raised platform. Tav forced Astarion to look at him. The fear in them was palpable, but Tav didn't look away. And slowly fear began to subside to resolve.

The expression on Astarion's face changed again, but this time to something like voracious hunger. Tav sat on the loveseat to look directly at Cazador. His expression hardened and then nearly broke the moment Astarion moved to straddle him, teeth poised as if for a bite. Tav stiffened.

"No," Astarion whispered, this isn't quite right.

They shifted positions again and finally Astarion settled, lithe fingers undoing the buttons on Tav's shirt. His chest was left scandalously exposed and Tav couldn't keep quiet anymore. "What are you doing?"

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