Chapter Eight: Dancing with Darkness

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Astarion had been gone for an entire month since Tav had shot him. He had not been seen or heard from once during the interim. Tav had not the courage to wonder where the vampire had gone or if he would even return. He knew that if he was lucky, they would never cross paths again and that would be that. As it stood he was to go to a club with Lord Cazador as he had done so for several days now. His human face was hidden behind the mask of a young elf in his prime as it had been for some time. He'd played on the vanity and arrogance of the vampire lord, claiming that his human appearance had become unsightly. Far be it from the truth however, it wouldn't do for someone who was supposed to be long dead to be in the spotlight too long. Already, the nobles of the party he'd first attended had adapted to his new identity. Tav spoke their language of vanity. Why spoil the memory of his youthful appearance with age?

So it was, during the night Tav would shed his humanness and become an elf. He stepped brazenly out of his house where his man was waiting. A carriage took him to a lavish estate owned by Duke Ulder Ravengard. The moon had barely risen to meet the horizon and by all accounts he was fashionably late. There was a reason for his tardiness as he'd set up a habit of being unpredictable. Some nights he was on time, others he was early, sometimes he never showed, and sometimes he was just late. No matter what he decided, the upper class of Baldur's Gate adjusted to him. To his schedule. Even if Cazador would never say it outright, Tav knew it was something he respected.

There was no one to greet Tav at the door, but everyone knew when he had arrived. A few men were smoking opium laced cigarettes and drinking well aged brandy in the lounge. The rest were engaged with conversation. A few women were there as well, giggling and laughing at all the appropriate moments. Like always it was Cazador who saw him first and then everyone else saw him and became silent. Cazador was ever the gentleman and pulled out his chair for him. When he was finally seated, activity and conversation resumed.

"It's lovely to see you again, Tav." said Lord Durinbold whose doublet was struggling to keep itself bound over the portly man's gut. "We were just wondering if you'd show yourself tonight. Your absence puts Lord Szarr in a right foul mood."

"Have you considered that maybe it is the lack of my presence that sours Lord Cazador's mood, but the presence of your own?" Tav kept his gaze locked on Lord Durinbold. His face reddened with embarrassment. "Do you not miss a willing partner in bed? Do you not also yearn for someone with the transience of youth with which to spend your time?"

Lord Durinbold pointed a chubby finger at the vampire. "You mean like Cazador?"

"Those rumors," said Tav evenly, "aren't true."

"Do you take me for a fool?" asked Lord Durinbold. "Do you think we are so naive? You cannot possibly expect us to believe that he hasn't touched you."

"I hadn't, no," Tav was eerily calm as he waited for his glass to be filled with wine. "Lady Durinbold told me you were a fool when we first met. Had I known she was a whore, I would have believed her. For the only time a whore lies, is when she is paid."

The fat nobleman stood up as if to leave.

"Sit back down, Lord Declan," said Lord Cazador suddenly. An amused smile spread across his lips. "You'll have to forgive Tav, he's very protective of my honor and his own. You implied something very inappropriate just now. Apologize."

The use of Lord Durinbold's first name only added insult to injury, Tav knew. He had no sympathy for the man. He was exploiting the farmers of Baldur's Gate and exploiting the increased tariffs on animal goods. It was not time for the man to meet Kelemvor, but he imagined it would arrive sooner rather than later. With those fateful words coming from Cazador, the nobleman had no choice but to sit back down and endure the humiliation which Tav had brought upon him.

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