The Way She Smiled

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Sooyoung was in the practice room.

She was trying hard to make sure everything about the choreo was perfect. After all, they were getting ready for a comeback.


A song she had very much enjoyed. Not every comeback did a group get to perform songs they liked (especially when it came to a female one). But this time she had liked the song a lot. As she practiced she started to realize the image of Hyejoo dancing to the very same song kept popping up in her mind. That annoying little brat was someone she secretly enjoyed the company of. And she couldn't deny she admired the girl's tenacity and spirit while performing.

Son Hyejoo was so... lively.

Thinking about it, she wished Block Berry let the two of them spend more time together while being on cam. She very much disliked fanservice when it was rigid and unchanging. Yes, they were allowed to perform some queer bait with other members from time to time, but oh, was she tired of having to stick to Chuu for most of it. They were friends, they were, but sometimes she really got sick of the bright ball of professionalism that was Kim Jiwoo; Always sticking to the happy-go-lucky script the company had for her, always so keen to follow the industry rules Yves was sick of it, but she sucked it up like the idol she was. Because otherwise there would be conflict, and conflict was something the company didn't enjoy at all.

She furrowed her brows as she continued dancing. Each movement was tense and, one might say, angry. That should not be the case. The dance needed to be graceful and elegant. Calming down and thinking of something else had become the priority. Her mind immediately pictured Hyejoo, on her bed, lying on her belly, reading a comic book.

Yves smiled without being able to help it.

Olivia liked comics. Especially horror, mystery, and action ones. Imagining the girl reading the comic book she gave her for her birthday brought an even bigger smile to her face.

She continued dancing. There was grace to her movements and a spark she hadn't brought to the performance before, so maybe thinking about things she liked was helping greatly. Nevertheless, as she continued to imagine Hyejoo, she started to mess up. That was because there were moments when Olivia was suddenly naked in her head. That was definitely enough to mess up anything she was doing.

Damn brat...

She cursed.

She wanted to send her a message to tell her to quit being so fucking annoying (because it was fun to think that Hyejoo herself had crawled up to her mind on purpose, to annoy her while she practiced). Yet, she knew the best way to mess with her favorite maknae would be to tease her in person. Either way, it wasn't as if she hadn't pictured all of her members naked at one point or another. She was sexual that way. However, she hadn't touched herself thinking of any of them (even though temptation was not something she lacked). Still, she was definitely worried one day she would end up moaning one of their names (or a bunch of them) if she didn't keep her distance or teased her frustrations away. She did have wet dreams about them (especially about Heejin, Haseul, Jinsoul, and Hyunjin). But all of that was normal, especially for such a needy lesbian as herself. Anyway, she knew the mind could get weird from time to time... it was a human thing.

-Hey, come to the dance room. The usual one.

She sent the message to Hyejoo. She liked teasing the dongsaeng quite a lot, and she was sure the feeling was mutual. Besides, the girl was bothering her mind, so she wanted payback (even if it was a silly way to act).

She flopped down the floor as she awaited her prey to arrive. She knew that Hyejoo would try to ask why Sooyoung wanted her there, yet, after not getting a reply, she would end up going, being both worried and curious.

The Glow In Her Eyes [HYves] [Loona]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ