In Trouble

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Yves could see herself in a sea of pink sheets, tangled and struggling...

So much labor...

Until she stopped moving.

The sheets had wrapped around her neck. They choked her.

But it all seems so peaceful from afar...

Erasing the memory of an alien dream, a sharp noise woke her up. Her body felt strangely heavy as she fluttered her eyes open. Met by darkness and the sound of someone sleeping, Yves took a deep breath. It smelled like sweet berries, a scent all too familiar for her mind to wander away from the present. It smelled like Hyejoo, yet a little less sweet. The wolf cub had been sweating, she had probably been dancing, or so Sooyoung could imagine.


As she gradually became more alert, she understood why her bones felt heavier than normal. The feeling of a female body being on top of her was not something she didn't enjoy, though. Small glimpses of kissing, moaning, and grunting filled her mind with goosebumps that followed, helping her wake up. She moved a hand to find Hyejoo's waist.

Why is Hyejoo here, though?

Memories started coming back... rosy lips meeting in heat... the look on Hyejoo's shy face... The swan widened her eyes.


They were in the private sector of the Whisper store, and adding misfortune to their whole sneaky escapade, the lights were off.

"Shit..." she sighed.

The darkness that surrounded them meant their paid time had run out. Sooyoung had paid for an hour, which meant they had slept for quite a while, she just hoped it hadn't been more than the full hour. Thinking about it, being as tired as idols tended to be, she wouldn't be impressed if they had slept for a few days... The Whisper store had a very simple way of working. Once your time is up, the room shuts down. After that happened, the only thing working became the door handle from the inside. Yves's knew the workers there would quit their job before interrupting any of their special clientele, their shut-down system avoided any type of direct interaction, or interruption.

A sudden light caught her attention, it was a phone... her phone. It was on the floor. That must have been what woke her up; the sound of it falling. As she realized they had probably worried some people (and pissed off some others), she tried moving without waking the sleeping girl she had on top. As she grabbed the phone, the name on the screen froze her. It was a manager, and not one of the reasonable ones (which were few, and mostly selfish), good thing it wasn't one of the worse ones.

Shit, we slept for way more than an hour, didn't we?

They were just going out for snacks. At least Jinsol and Heejin knew about it (they had been around as Hyejoo announced her snack hunting).

The schedule was done for the night, for most of them, but even so, it still wasn't quite over yet for the rest of the group, which counted Jinsoul, Heejin, Yerim, and the ones that were currently in a powered-down room.

She called the manager back, hoping to meet a not-so-angry person on the other side.

"Where the hell are you, Yves? And do you know where Olivia is?"

That person was definitely angry. Sooyoung swallowed a sigh. She knew Hyejoo hated it when managers and staff called her by her stage name. The girl didn't mind when idols, fans, or variety show hosts used it, though, It was part of her job to tolerate it, Sooyoung often teased her with it. The girl would often puff her cheeks and look even cuter than usual. That reaction was delightful enough that she couldn't stop teasing.

The Glow In Her Eyes [HYves] [Loona]Where stories live. Discover now