I need you (Part1)

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Theo's POV

I watched her from the other side of the great hall. It was early in the morning and many students were sitting in the hall eating breakfast, she used to sits with me and my friends but not anymore. Not since I broke up with her. Now she sits on the complete other side of the hall keeping as much distance between us as possible, she sits there with her Gryffindor friends even some Hufflepuff girl sits next to her. That's why I fell for her in the first place, she was a Slytherin yes but somehow had the braveness of a Gryffindor, the brain of a Ravenclaw and the kindness of a Hufflepuff. She got along with everyone because she didn't had any prejudices about anyone because of their house, past or most important families. She didn't care that my family was fucked up that she probably would never meet my father because I would never let him near her, not after what he did to my mum "mate, you're staring" Blaine nudged my shoulder slightly to get me out of my thoughts I looked at my friends which were all happen to look directly at me "seriously why did you even break up if you still love her" Mattheo pointed out while showing some food into his mouth earning a disgusted look from Draco for his eating behaviour "what I am hungry" Mattheo says his mouth still full of food. Normally I would have laughed at their bickering but not anymore it was like all my happiness was gone when she left or better said when I left her "seriously Theo... if you still love he-" I cut Blaine off "I don't love her okay..." I said as anger build up inside of me, I looked back to were she sat and watched as some random Ravenclaw boy talked to her making her laugh out loud "she looks so happy" I mumbled out only for my friends to here who turned around to look at you, Blaine who sat next to me layer an comforting hand on my shoulder.


I laughed friendly at Marcus Belby who just ask me out on a date "Thank you really, I appreciate it but I have to decline" I give him a smile hoping it's okay "oh o- that's okay" he answered a bit hurt before leaving. I feel someone nudge my shoulder before looking next to me to see Lino leaning near my ear "someone's watching you" she points with her head to the Gryffindor table where some of my friends are sitting and I see the whole Slytherin boys gang watching me but the moment they realise they have been caught they try to act like they were searching for someone different in the crowd

"He was staring the whole breakfast long " Luna says quietly as we both walk to the corridors to our first lesson, Luna was my best friend my safe place, now my only safe place since Theo left me. I always tried to stay strong to not show how much he hurt me but he did, the moment he broke up with me my whole world broke together "don't be delusional Luna" I answered not wanting to give myself hope for something that would never be again.


I was searching for Theo the whole day lately he had been really distant towards me, he cancelled our dates last minute, didn't wanted to spend time with me at all, he even chose different partners to work with when we had classes together it was frustrating. I found Mattheo in the common room and he told me that Theo was at the Astronomy tower smoking something, of course he always smoked it became even worse over the last weeks. When I arrived at the astronomy Tower I say him sitting on the floor with the cigarette in his hand while watching the stars as he heard me approaching he turned his head to look at me "you are smoking" I said "... again" I looked at him as I didn't wanted to come nearer the smoke surrounded him "so what's your problem?" he said harshly " I just don't understand why you have to smoke so much" I said a bit taken back by his harshness "it calms me down" he said not looking at me " there are surely other ways to calm down" I said "no there aren't" his voice got louder as he stood up "yes there are" I fired back but still in a soft voice not wanting to make him angry "oh really?! And what should make me calm down , you?!" He turned around to face me

I tried to not be hurt by his word smut they still hurted me "well maybe if you would actually come to see me and show up to our dates then that could give you some time to relax" I tried to stay calm but at the thought of how often I waited for him just for him to ditch me right before I couldn't help myself but getting angry " well maybe if you weren't so annoying and clingy I would actually enjoy being on dates with you and wouldn't have to think of an excuse every time" he spat at me. I looked at him hurt "you don't mean that" I whisper " I mean every word" he took some steps towards me "Do you think you're the only thing in my life..." he steps closer to me.

I take a step back at that "...you have no idea what's happening in my life so don't tell me what to do and what don't" he continues "then don't shut me out" i whisper "don't always shut me out of your life Theo, you never talk to me about your problems or other things... your whole life at all" my voice gets quieter with every word. Theo stares at me and when i look at him the eyes that where once filled with love are now filled with something i can't recognise "you never talk to me about your family" i whisper and that was his breaking point "Leave me alone" he whispers "Theo-" i try to calm the situation down "leave y/n, i never want to see your annoying face again" he says now looking directly into my eyes as tears build up in mine "no... you don't- you don't mean that... Theo I-" tears are now rolling down my face "I said leave, we are done... what do you think who you are to talk to me like that. I could have every fucking girl from this school if I want to" the tears are now running down your cheeks "I don't need you y/n"


That were the last words he said to you. "I don't need you" the words you were the most afraid of the words that were always on your mind since your parents said them to you "We don't need you y/n, nobody needs you, no one will ever need you, you can just go and die" that's what your mother always told you before you stopped going visiting home.

Both you and Theo would spend every holidays together either at hogwarts or at some friends house but never alone, now your old friendship and relationship were both ruined, he never really loved you.

The whole lesson was a mess you couldn't concentrate at all your thoughts were consumed by doubts about you about everything you did about everything you've done. Luna nudged your shoulder again "Christmas holidays are soon... what will you do?" She ask me carefully as we walked down the corridors at the end of the day "I don't know, not going home that's for sure" i said "I might just stay here" Luna looked sadly at me "I wish i could stay with you or take you with me y/n" "its okay Luna" i reassured her giving her a small smile

"Let me at least walk you back to your common room " she smiles at me and i smile back. As we reach the common room i hug her to say goodbye before entering the Slytherin common room.

As i am about to walk to my dorm Mattheo approaches me "Hey y/n, long time no see" he says "yes" i just answer being to tired to have a proper conversation "you know my birthday is this weekend..." he begins "Yeah i know that" i chuckle " so i am actually throwing a little party down here and you are going to come right?" I hesitate "come on y/n you are one of my best friends" he looks as me with puppy eyes "fine" i finally give in and he smiles widely at me "perfect" he says happily before returning to his friends. My gaze follows him before i meet Theos eyes, we stare at each other before i quickly turn around to walk to my dorm.

Theos POV

I watch her as she talks to Mattheo, she looks so tired but she still manages to put a smile on. In moments like this i see trough her i see what no one else seems to see i don't see the strong, kind and happy y/n, i see the hurt, insecure and overly tired y/n. I watch her and our eyes meet for a moment before she turns around to leave "you know it gets pretty scary" Mattheo says "Im getting scared you are going to kill me for talking to her" he jokes "maybe i will" i answer him

Part two will follow soon

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