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Words: 1443
Summary: Theo is very stressed due to his father and school so you decide to do something for him to make him feel better (im sorry but men deserve princess treatment too and im obsessed with that so💐)
Warnings: none
Status: dating


In the last weeks i noticed some change in Theo. He was constantly stressed and in a bad mood, he shut me out. I couldn't bear the fact of seeing him like that, knowing he wouldn't talk to me about it, knowing i couldn't do anything about it.

So one day I decided to plan a little date for just the two of us, a real date our last real date was decades away.

Time skip: Weekend

I was standing in front of Theos dorm, my nervousness was killing me and i didn't even knew why. Gosh he is my boyfriend after all no need to be so nervous. After gaining some courage i finally knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" I heard Theos voice trough the door "It's me" i answered while trying to stay as calm as possible "Come in" was heard from the other side and i opened the door. When i walked into the room the heavy smell of smoke made me cough out.

Theo was sitting on his desk trying to do some word while smoking "Gosh Theo it stinks in here" i cough out and he turned around to look at me "Yeah..." he walked over to the window to open it "you shouldn't be in here its not good for you" he says while looking at me a bit concerned "its not good for you too"I say back and he chuckles a bit "I know i will try to less my consume when this is finished but now its the best if you leave and don't breath in this shit" "I will leave any second" I say while placing a small envelope on his desk before leaving the room.

Time skip (again i know): later that day

It was afternoon now and I waited for Theo in the common room hoping he would come. I gave him the envelope with the small piece of paper on which I wrote: Today 5pm down in the common room, wear something nice. Ps: love.

I looked at the big clock, 5:45pm i sigh while sitting down on the couch in front of the clock. Tears welled up in my eyes, he wouldn't come. My head filled with doubt about me as a girlfriend and our relationship. i couldn't help him and it killed my. I closed my eyes and leaned back to the couch trying to control me thoughts and holding back my tears.

I sat there like that for some more minutes when i felt two warm hands on my shoulders making me jump up in defence and turn around in shock. In front of me stand a tired Theo, guilt written all over his face. I breath out all the air I was holding in for a minute, relaxing again "God you frightened me" your breath was still heavy from the shock "Im sorry, really y/n I was working and I must have slept in because when I woke up it was already 5:45pm and then i didn't know what to do or how to face you so i just came running down hoping you would still be there... and i knew you said i should dress nice but i didn't had time for that" he said looking to the floor out of shame.

"It's oka-" he interrupt me "No its not... its not fucking okay, im such a bad boyfriend i don't even know why you would take me and-" "Theo stop" I said gently while grabbing his hand "its okay and I wouldn't wish anyone other than you by my side" I pause for a moment "now come i planned something and it would be a shame to not go" I pull him with me

"Where are we going" he ask quietly after some time of walking "its a surprise" i answer while smiling at him and begin to walk faster. i walk him to the black lake to a big tree, the place where we first kissed "Wow" he breathed out while suddenly standing still, observing the place "y-yeah i thought it might be nice" suddenly all the nervousness came back as i looked at the blanket and the small basket, the little lights flying around the tree to give some light, it was very romantic but also very kitschy.

"I love it" Theo said while pulling me to the place and we both sat down. He observed me the whole time with his eyes and nothing but love was in them. I opened the basket and in it was his favourite food which i knew was also his comfort food. When i took it out my hands where shaking because of how nervous in was, when i noticed he gently grabbed my hands and made me look at him. He looked at me with the most beautiful smile i had ever seen and i fell in love with him all over again.

We ate in a peaceful and comforting silence, he had a little smile on his lips all the time while eating and looking at me. When we finished eating we laid down and watched the stars while he hold me hands to keep them warm, "thank you" he whispered while pressing a kiss on my temple and i closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of his lips on my skin "I have something else for you" i whispered while sitting up again and grabbing the basket, he also sat up observing every move of mine.

I opened the basket again and put my hand in it to pull it out but before i did it I had to get something off of my heart "I know that- this is probably a stupid present but while shopping for the food i saw them and they made me think of you and i don't know... i just thought that..." i couldn't concentrate myself when he was directly looking into my eyes with his love filled ones, so i just pulled the flowers i bought earlier that day out of the basket. His eyes widen in surprise "you... you bought flowers... for me?" He said while looking at them as if this was a dream and he would wake up every minute.

"Well...yes" i said nervous not knowing if it was a complete stupid idea. He grabbed them if they were the most precious thing that was there in the world "You bought flowers for me" he repeated in disbelief, but not a bad one. Tears welled up in his eyes as he stared down at them.

I watched him not knowing if his reaction was positive or negative but he soon turned his head towards me and looked at me trough his still teary eye. His other hand moved forward to gently grab my face and rub my cheek slowly before leaning forward and connecting our lips. The kiss was very careful but still full of love it was like he feared i could break every second if he kissed me harder. I felt his hand on my cheek shake a bit while he kissed me and after a while i tasted the salt of his tears on my own lips.

I places my own hand over his to calm him down a bit while pulling away to look at him "How did i deserve you" he whispered "you deserve the whole world Theo" i said while placing another sweet kiss on his lips.

"This feels like im falling in love with you all over again" his voice was so quiet i almost didn't hear him "I would do anything for you, you know that. Im sorry that i didn't give you the attention that you needed and im sorry for not being the boyfriend that i promised you to be. I will make those past week up to you. I promise" he intertwined our pinky fingers "I promise i will do anything to prove to you that you are the love of my life forever"

For the rest of the night we were lying on the blanket in each others arms talking for the whole night, watching the stars, laughing....
Theo kept the flowers in his room and learned a spell to make them last longer and so he took care of them for the rest of your life.

Yeah i know it is very kitschy and romantic but i just had the feeling to write something like that, im sorry if you don't like it
But i stilll hope that most of you will like it so leave some feedback if you want to0

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