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Words: 1818
Summary: So if you watched fantastic beasts you maybe know the story of Newt Scamender (Hufflepuff) and Leta Lestrange (Slytherin), so this story is basically a bit inspired by their prehistory in hogwarts because i just think that Leta and Theodore could be in some ways the same, like having a traumatic family history/ childhood, being maybe outsiders and rather quiet, doesn't really socialise and not talking much because of it... that kind of stuff
Warnings: none /(maybe a bit cheesy 🤭)
Status: kinda friends


I was sitting at my secret place in Hogwarts, where normally no other students would disturb me. I didn't like them, not that i had something against them i just didn't really liked being with people and most of them consider me rather weird and stuff like that.

The golden ball rolled back and forth as i watched my little niffier playing with it, i sneaked him into hogwarts with my other creatures because they are actually not allowed to be held as pets, but i did it anyways. I learned pretty much everything about them from my grandfather Newt Scamender, he was a great magical zoologist and i always loved spending time with his animals, learning more about how they behave.

Suddenly I heard someone coming up the stairs and i quickly shoved my niffier gently under my robe to hide him from whoever was coming up the stairs. I let out the breath I was holding when i saw the face of Theodore Nott in front of me and let my niffler out of my robe again. Normally he would be shy around new people but since Theodore came often here he was used to him by now.

Teddy (The nifflers name) slowly approached Theodore as he sat down on the floor and held his hand out for him. On his hand, i saw a little golden ring shining and Teddy did too, he curiously looked at the ring before sneakily, how nifflers are, pulling it off his finger running back to me to hide his precious find.

Theodore watched him in amusement and my cheeks slowly became a bit pink as Teddy gave me the ring as a present, yes as a present I figured out that Nifflers actually bring presents to their loved ones to show them that they appreciate them (this is actually made up but i think it is cute and it matches into the story so...)

I took the ring carefully in my hands as i stroked teddy's fur to thank him, looking down at the ring in my hands i didn't knew what to do with it. When Teddy did go back to playing with his little golden ball i slowly reached my hand over to Theodore to give him his ring back.

He looked up to me as he saw the ring he shook his head „you can keep it" i looked at him surprised we normally doesn't talk to each other, we just sit here and enjoy each other's company but we never talked

„its yours" i said nervously „well actually not really" he scratched the back of his neck „Uhm... I-i found this one in Hogsmead last weekend and... well it made me think of you so..." his voice got quieter every second and his face was flushed by now (sorry but i love shy men)

I looked at him with big eyes as he grabbed my hand slowly to take the ring and turn it around so i could see that there was a small nifflers holding a golden ball engraved to it, i looked at the ring admiring it before reality hit me „You didn't needed to-„ „Well today is your birthday so i thought..." he remembered my birthday, nobody else remembered my birthday at hogwarts

„You know that its my birthday?" i looked at him surprised again „well yeah..." he said it as if it was the most normal thing in the world so i nodded slowly trying to process everything „if you don't like it you can get a exchang-„ he began worried because i didn't really said anything to his present „No i really like it" i interrupted him before slowly sliding the ring on my finger, a small smile played on my lips "thank you Theodore" i said softly looking up at him again "Theo" he replied softly as he smiled back to me his cheeks still red.

Theodore Nott OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now