I need you (Part2)

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Theo's POV
Its the day of Mattheos Birthday and we are now down in the common room as it fills slowly with people. I'm sitting next to Blaise on the couch just observing all the people and Mattheo who greets them all. Then I hear a oh so familiar laugh from the stairs of the girls dormitory's and there she is, beautiful as ever. She walks down with Pansy and walks over to greet Mattheo and congratulate him for his birthday, her smile is so beautiful it's like I fell in love all over again...but I can't love her it's not supposed to be like that. I shouldn't love her, why can't it be so easy.

Time skip

It's already pretty late now, many people are completely wasted. The music blasts and everyone is having fun, everyone and I am still sitting here on the couch alone.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and when I turn around I see her "Y/n?" I ask "heyyy Theo" she slurs, she's completely drunk "what are you doing here completely alone?" she ask me now looking around to see no one "i am just sitting here" it makes me nervous that she talks to me again. She nods as she let herself fall over the couch to sit next to me

"I am pretty drunk right?" She ask with a sight "I think so yeah" I answer, she nod again and we both just sit there in silence "im feeling really sick" she suddenly blurts out and when I look at her she looks really pale so I grab her arm and lead her out of the common room, surprisingly she doesn't fight back and just let me lead her to her dorm. When we arrive I bring her to the bathroom and take a hairband from her drawer to put her hair into a ponytail but before I can do that she sinks down in front of the toilet and begins to throw up.

I quickly grab her hair in my hands to keep them clean, I get control of her hair with one hand and let my other hand stroke her back "let it all out" I whisper as I see the tears that are running down her cheeks "it's okay, you're doing great" I try to make her feel as good as I can. When she finished throwing up I grab a glass of water and hand it to her "just take a really small sip so you don't throw up again" I say gently as I held the glas close to her mouth so she can drink something. She is still crying it's like all the tears she held in for so long are all flowing out now.

I sit next to her so she can lean her head on my shoulder while I sneak my arms around her letting her cry, her whole body is shaking by now "why?" She ask in between the sobs as she buries her face in her tears "why what?" I ask carefully "don't act so stupid Theodore" she sobs out again "we did you leave me, why wasn't  I enough?" she cries even harder

"Your were enough, you were more than enough" tears are forming in my eyes too "then why did you leave me?" She said tears still rolling down her red cheeks "because I would never be enough for a girl like you, I could never make your happy"

We both cried ourself to sleep that night, she slept in on my shoulder and I carried her back into her bed carefully not to wake her up. When I stoop up again to leave I felt her hand holding mine "are you going to leave?" I heard her whisper and it broke my heart when I turned around to look at her "please don't, even if you don't need me" she paused as she gulped down some tears "I still need you" she whispered

"I'm not going to leave" I sat down on her bed as I stroked her face while she fell asleep again. After that I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and laid down on the little couch in her dorm, because even if she wanted me to stay she was still completely drunk and probably didn't knew what she was doing.

This chapter is a bit shorter sorry for that but i hope you still like it

Theodore Nott Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن