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I was startled awake by a tiny finger poking into my cheek. Estelle's face was inches from mine.

"Morning!" She yelled making my ears ring.

"Morning..." I grumbled. Then my stomach sank. The memory of Annabeth and I falling asleep before we could clean and get dressed came to the front of my brain. I looked down, and saw a blanket over me. Under the blanket I had on new boxers.

"You drool when you sleep!" She said.

"Yeah, I know," I said getting up, she was pulling on my hand helping me out of bed. I threw on a camp t shirt, and a pair of old shorts. Estelle held my hand as she drug me out of the bedroom, with a big yawn I said morning to the others.

Annabeth was helping Paul make breakfast and Mom was typing away on her laptop. Annabeth smiled and waved me over. I kissed her temple as she cut green peppers. Paul went to deliver a cup of OJ to mom.

"Did you clean me up?" I whispered, I could see a tinge of blush on her cheek.

"I woke up about an hour after falling asleep, and cleaned us up," She said back in a whisper.

"You're the best," I said kissing her cheek.

"I know, now quite bugging me before I accidently cut my finger," She said.

I kissed her cheek again and went over to mom. She was about 200 pages into a new book. A book about me, and my adventure as a half-blood. When I first became one and was forced to find the lighting thief.

I pecked her on the temple, and took a look at what she had so far.

"Looks good mom, but I don't think I was that sassy," I said.

"Pffft," She started laughing, and Annabeth started laughing with her.

"Ok I get it!" I said.

After breakfast, we were debating on leaving back to camp. There are a lot of perks of being the son of the sea god. But a lot of drawbacks too. Like I cant spend as much time with my mommy as I want. Otherwise, monsters might catch a whiff of me, and draw them to my moms apartment.

Luckly most monsters are scared of me and know better, but there are some dumb ones and ones that think their stronger than me. But in the end, I watch them turn to dust as they go back to where they came from.

Estelles didn't want us to leave yet, she wanted us to take her to the park down the street. I wasn't too sure, but Annabeth and Mom convinced me. She squealed in delight as she ran to get her shoes on.

The park was empty, Estelle dragged Annabeth to the slides.

"Percy catch us!" Estelle yelled at the top of the slide.

"Yeah, Percy catch us!" Annabeth smirked.

Estelle came shooting down the slide like a dam cannon ball, she almost sent me flying to my back. Then Annabeth went down, she seemed like she was going faster. I braced, but the impact sent us both to the ground. She was laying on top of me, our faces close together.

"Nice catch," She said breathlessly. "Man...that was faster than I thought."

"...Yeah..." I groaned.

"What's wrong?" She asked, looking at me with big, concerned eyes.

"Your knee.... In my....balls..." I said.

[NSFW] Summer BreakDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora