Ch 42 - Recruiting

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The twins walked into the house while we ate dinner. They shot Adam a thumbs-up and gestured for him to meet them in the kitchen. Adam kissed me on the cheek before getting up. I watched them whisper to each other before I turned back to my plate, biting my tongue. I hated the idea that they were keeping secrets from me simply because I was incompetent.

"Something wrong, Rose?" Kelly asked with a smirk. He sat in the seat opposite me. Summer was still passed out upstairs.

"Why would there be something wrong?" I plastered a sarcastic smile on my face before glaring at him.

Kelly glanced back at them conspiring in the kitchen. "Trust me when I say you don't want to know."

"Yeah." My jaw tightened. "Well, you could just cut out my tongue and you wouldn't have to worry about me fucking it up." I made a face. "Oh, wait. That didn't really work out, did it?"

"I said I was sorry." He rolled his eyes.

"No, you didn't," I complained.

"Oh." He shoved a huge bite of cold pasta in his mouth. This guy did everything silently except fucking eat. It was disgusting.

"How's the hand?" I asked, seeing his hand that was blown up 5 hours ago now perfectly normal.

"Good as new." He admired his delicate hand. "Back to slashing and stabbing shape. Just in time for your training."

"Oh yeah!" I beamed. "I forgot about my upcoming Karate Kid montage. I'll be able to kill Drake myself soon."

Kelly snickered and went back to eating his food as if he was missing half his teeth.

Adam kissed me on the cheek as he sat back down and polished off what was left on his plate.

"Good news, I take it?" Kelly asked.

"He took the bait," Adam confirmed with a grin. "We're moving on with Plan A2."

"Nice," Kelly nodded. "It's my favorite one of the 47 you laid out."

"Mine too," Adam said with something regretful in his voice. He turned to me and picked a potato off of my plate he knew I wasn't going to eat. "You want to go recruiting with me after this?"

"Recruiting for what?" I asked.

"The Quests. I want two of each. Not counting the five badass humans, of course."

"Two of each what?" I hated how slow I was sometimes.

"Two hunters, two wolves, two dragons, two fairies, two immortal children." He shrugged. "It's never been done before and they hate to work together, so they'll take some convincing."

"Why are you doing it then?"

"Mostly because there's strength in diversity." He shrugged.

"Mostly." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"And also because I want in with the fae and the dragons." He made his extra-sexy scheming face. "They're tough groups to get into. I'm good with witches, demigods, saints, mermaids, wolves, hunters, humanoids... but the fae and the dragons are hard to impress. So, I'm going to impress them."

"If they don't like you, how are you going to get them on your team?" I asked, excited to be involved in something.

"Oh, I know this girl... see she's crazy gorgeous and smart and funny and for some reason smells like a fucking candy shop to them." He grabbed my hands and pulled me close to him. "You good with being a lure?"

I leaned into him and kissed his lips. "Whatever you need, I'm yours.


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