Ch 1 - Welcome to Shady Cove, Try Not to Get Eaten

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Yo yo yo! Stoked to have you!
Hope you like violence, magic, and shit talk because Heroine is fully stocked and having a buy 1 get 1 sale.

⚠️Trigger Warning: This book contains a shit ton of violence and gore and a touch of sexual harassment.

Join me as I commit word crimes and kill off characters that are loosely based off of people I don't care for IRL.

Even if no one reads this... at least it explains why I've Googled such weird shit.

Enjoy bitches 💋


Everything was magic.

The dark green ferns contrasted with the rust-colored bark of the colossal redwoods. Trunks bigger than our apartment back in LA bordered the road for miles. Moss and patches of clover covered the forest floor as if an artist filled in the space to ensure every inch of the forest was beautiful.

The smell of decaying wood and fresh pine blended with the scent of brine and seaweed as it flowed through my open window, hinting the ocean was nearby. The temperature had dropped 15 degrees as we neared the coast, cooling my cheeks and whipping my blonde hair around my face.

My parents muttered to each other in the front seat, arguing about whether or not we were lost. We had been on this narrow dirt road for hours, driving to our new home.

"They warned us it's a long drive," my dad said in a placating tone. "I'm sure we'll be there soon."

"We are going to get hunted for our meat by a bunch of rednecks, Greg!" my mom snapped back. "We're getting low on gas and I have to pee."

"Oh, yeah! Let's pull over, I want to touch the trees," I said from the backseat.

They ignored me and kept bickering.

My mom decided we would move up to this remote town on the Oregon coast after she finished her residency. She had only been a real doctor a week when the mayor of the dinky town offered her and my dad a job at their local clinic. She accepted eagerly when they said they'd pay off her student loans.

My dad was a veterinarian and excited to treat animals other than Pomeranians. He loved animals and his work at the animal hospital in Beverly Hills wasn't as rewarding or interesting as he hoped.

Not that anyone asked, but I was fucking pumped about moving to a town in the middle of nowhere. My head was full of daydreams of small-town life: High stakes chili cook-offs, a restaurant with the best milkshakes in the world, small-town drama that rivaled the craziest telenovelas, and a lone sheriff that was always grubby-looking but secretly a genius detective.

I was definitely going to miss my friends back in LA. We had a good crew and they put up with my lack of filter pretty well, but we were all going off to college soon anyway and it wasn't like we couldn't keep in touch online. It wasn't the end of the world.

Making friends was always easy for me. It was as simple as a compliment or an insult to the right person. I had a way of winning over even the crankiest of people. There had to be some other high school or college students who shared my passion for hanging out in empty parking lots. I wasn't a big party girl and I hadn't found a guy I liked enough to kiss yet– other than that I was down for pretty much anything. Reading, cooking, and hiking were my true loves, but those were more solitary hobbies— and I hated being alone for too long.

"See?!" My dad pointed excitedly at the entrance of the town. "I told you. We're here." He gave my mom a cocky grin.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed as we finally broke through the vast forest of towering trees to a vista point that overlooked our new home: Shady Cove.

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